
solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by Wiltzha92

Question 1

Insertion of a dual-chamber pacemaker in a patient with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation.

 A left infraclavicular subcutaneous pacemaker pocket was created. Guidewires were advanced through a left subclavian vein under fluoroscopic guidance. The peel-away sheaths and introducers were advanced over the guidewires, and the guidewires were removed. The pacemaker leads were advanced into the right ventricular apex and right atrial appendage. The leads functioned adequately and were sutured in place. The leads were connected to the pulse generator. 2-0 Vicryl suture was used to close the deep tissue layer and a 4-0 running subcuticular suture was used to close the skin. There were no complications and patient was sent to recovery in satisfactory condition..


CPT Code(s):                 

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code(s):

 Question 2

Insertion and programing of a subcutaneous cardiac rhythm monitor, in a patient complaining of episodic of heart palpitations.

CPT Code(s):        

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code(s):


Question 3

What is the correct CPT code for a patient who undergoes upgrade of a single chamber pacemaker system to a dual chamber system?

Question 4

Replacement of dual lead pacemaker pulse generator.

 After local anesthetic had been infiltrated, the old pulse generator was removed. A new pulse generator, was implanted.

The atrium and ventricular sensing was performed with satisfactory results.

The new pulse generator was attached to the old leads. The wound was closed in layers.

CPT Code(s):                             ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code(s):


Question 5 2 pts

Insertion of a temporary pacemaker in a patient with a second degree heart block.

The right subclavian area was prepped. Local anesthetic was infiltrated. The subclavian vein was entered and a guidewire was passed to the right heart. The pacemaker wire was placed near the apex of the right ventricle.

Temporary pacing was instituted. Patient tolerated the procedure well.

CPT Code(s):          

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code(s):

Question 6

CABG x 3; performed with a left internal mammary artery for one graft and saphenous vein for two grafts. 

CPT Code(s):    


Question 7

Reoperation – CABG x 1 with saphenous vein graft, 45 days after initial CABG.  

CPT Code(s):     

Question 8

CABG x 5 with three saphenous vein grafts, one left internal mammary arterial graft, and one radial artery graft. 

CPT Code(s):    


Question 9

CABG x 2; performed with a saphenous vein graft and a femoropopliteal vein graft.  

CPT Code(s):      

Question 10 2

What is the correct CPT code for a CABG x 5 performed with two internal mammary arteries and three epigastric artery segments?




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