1.Typically, individual tests are administered by a)trained psychologists b)clerks c)graduate students d)trained undergraduate assistants 2.Early on in an individual test administration, the tester must a)establish rapport b)arouse subject interest c)defuse subject anxiety d)all of the above 3.The test administrator must try to put the subject at ease without compromising a)morale issues b)standardization c)the subject’s self-esteem d)the test administrator’s beliefs 4.Although test manuals contain extensive scoring instructions, responses to open-ended              questions are likely to be scored with some degree of a)subjectivity b)objectivity c)selectivity d)authenticity 5.The last step in individual testing involves a)establishing rapport b)effectively communicating results c)making the individual feel superior d)alteration of the test score 6.One of the oldest, most successful, and widely researched measures of general intelligence is the a)WISC-III b)Cognitive Abilities Test c)Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale d)Kaufman Assessment Battery 7.The Fifth Edition of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale a)is based on well-articulated intelligence theory b)leans less heavily on the verbal test than previous editions c)includes specific procedures to quickly adapt test content to the respondent d)all of the above 8.In order to estimate the examinee’s mental age prior to administering the current edition of the Stanford-Binet, the test examiner uses a(n) a)routing test b)ceiling-level test c)basal-age test d)adjustment test 9.The considerable body of research on the Stanford-Binet shows that a)reliability levels are rarely high b)reliability levels are usually high c)reliability levels are always low d)reliability levels are high only for small children 10.The Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale was developed because a)a need existed for a measure of children’s intelligence b)parents complained about the Stanford-Binet c)a need existed for a measure of adult intelligence d)the Stanford-Binet was unfair for children 1


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