45) According to Lauritsen (1994), for which of the following groups of adolescents does strain increase the frequency of unprotected sexual activity? a. African-American females b. African-American males c. Caucasian females d. Caucasian males e. African-American females and males 46) Which of the following statements is a component of Sutherland’s differential association theory? a. television, music, and movies have a substantial impact on the learning of deviance b. large groups have more of an influence on the learning of deviance than small groups do c. the more important a particular group is to the individual, the greater the influence that group will have on the learning of deviance d. the skills needed for deviance are learned within groups, but the motives for deviance are derived from personality factors e. shorter periods of interaction have more of an influence on the learning of deviance than long periods of interaction do 47) Sutherland’s differential association theory proposes that groups we interact with early in life have more of an influence on the learning of deviance than groups we interact with later in life do. This is known as a. duration. b. priority. c. intensity. d. frequency. e. primacy. 48) In an interview, one female exotic dancer states the following when asked about her career: “You should see the cops when they come in. They watch us dance for an hour or two before they bust anybody…there’s usually a half dozen of ‘em at a time. How many cops does it take to write a ticket for lewd dancing…?” Which technique of neutralization is she using? a. condemning the condemners b. denial of the victim c. denial of injury d. denial of responsibility e. appealing to higher loyalties 49) In response to the accusation that child beauty pageants attract pedophiles, the pageant contestants’ mothers typically say that only someone who is “sick” themselves would even suggest that people would find these little girls “sexy”. Which technique of neutralization are these mothers using? a. denial of injury b. denial of responsibility c. condemnation of the condemners d. denial of the victim e. appealing to higher loyalties 50) Some individuals who download music illegally defend their actions by saying that the music industry makes more than enough profit from the pockets of consumers. Which technique of neutralization are these individuals using? a. denial of injury b. denial of responsibility c. condemnation of the condemners d. denial of the victim e. appealing to higher loyalties 51) Which of the following scenarios reflects social learning theory? a. Alexei begins taking anabolic steroids when he notices the muscular, popular boys at school taking them b. Kristin has always had a bad relationship with her parents, and begins taking drugs c. a male cross-dresser rationalizes his behaviour by saying to himself, “I’m not hurting anyone” d. a group of low-income boys who are failing their classes start hanging out together, and begin vandalizing property e. Erika decides that if she is ever going to achieve the “American Dream”, she is going to have to break a few rules at work 52) Which two theories did Piquero, Tibbits, and Blankenship integrate to explain why some MBA students said they would continue to distribute a suspected dangerous pharmaceutical, while other MBA students said they would recall that pharmaceutical? a. neutralization theory and social learning theory b. differential association theory and the general theory of crime c. Merton’s strain theory and social learning theory d. neutralization theory and differential association theory e. Merton’s strain theory and differential association theory 53) During an interview for the school paper, the local high school valedictorian is asked how he managed to stay out of trouble during his teenage years. He replies, “Are you kidding? I was so busy studying, playing basketball on the school team, participating in the debating club, and volunteering with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club, I didn’t have any time to get into trouble!” Which one of Hirschi’s social bonds in reflected in his statement? a. belief b. involvement c. commitment d. attachment e. self-control 54) Which of the following theories is a social control theory? a. differential opportunity theory b. differential association theory c. general theory of crime d. general strain theory e. neutralization theory


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