21) Some residents in Latin America refer to ________ as the cause of disease, misfortune, and social disruption. a. Windigo b. Gururumba c. Saora disorder d. Mal de Ojo 22) In a condition called _______, some residents in Central Canada report a morbid fear of becoming a cannibal. a. Windigo b. Latah c. Brain fog d. Mal de Ojo 23) In a condition called _______, some residents in New Guinea report episodes where they steal and later deposit their neighbours’ possessions in the forest, but remember nothing of the entire episode. a. Windigo b. Arctic hysteria c. Gururumba d. Mal de Ojo 24) In a condition called _______, Indian residents report episodes of inappropriate laughing or crying, fainting, memory loss, and the sensation of being bitten by ants. a. Windigo b. Saora disorder c. Arctic hysteria d. Mal de Ojo 25) Some parts of Malaysia and several other Asian countries have witnessed periodic outbreaks of a strange condition known as _______ . The victims, most of whom are male, typically believe that their penis and testicles are disappearing and receding into their abdomen. a. Windigo b. Hwa-byung c. Koro d. Mal de Ojo 26) In a condition called _______, Inuit persons may experience abrupt episodes accompanied by extreme excitement and then followed by convulsive seizures. a. Windigo b. Gururumba c. Arctic hysteria d. Mal de Ojo 27) ____________ is a culture-bound disorder whereas ___________ is a disorder that has cultural universality. a. kunlangeta; bulimia nervosa b. mal de ojo; apotemnophilia c. anorexia nervosa; psychopathy d. schizophrenia; windigo 28) The disorder or culture-bound syndrome in which men fear that their penis is shrinking is primarily found in which country? a. China b. Sri Lanka c. Malaysia d. Subarctic Canada 29) What is the name of the culture-bound syndrome that results from a perceived insult and is followed by a period of brooding and then a violent outburst during which the person may attack others and not remember doing so? a. Amok b. Ghost sickness c. Susto d. Kyofu 30) A key idea in the discussion on the universality versus diversity in psychiatric diagnoses was that a. all disorders are found throughout all cultures of the world. b. most psychiatric disorders are unique to specific cultures and relatively unknown in others. c. many psychiatric disorders are similar across cultures. d. psychiatric disorders found in North America and Europe are often unknown in many African and Asian cultures.


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