[Dog Training] Nia and Bruno enter into a written contract for Bruno to train Nia’s dog. Under the contract, Nia is required to pay Bruno $20 for each training session. 81) Would their contract be governed by common law or the UCC? A) Common law. B) Both common law and the UCC. C) Common law, because the UCC specifically excludes biological substances. D) The UCC. E) Neither common law not the UCC. 82) What type of contract is the dog training contract? A) Bilateral or unilateral. B) Bilateral and express. C) Unilateral and implied. D) Bilateral and implied. E) Unilateral and express. 83) What was the court’s holding in Wrench, LLC, Shields, and Rinks, LLC v. Taco Bell, the case in the text in which the plaintiff contended that, for an implied contract claim, it was only required to prove that Taco Bell understood that Wrench expected to be compensated if Taco Bell used its Psycho Chihuahua character and/or related ideas? A) The court found that the only relevant question was whether the parties knew compensation was expected, and there was evidence to support an implied in fact contract. B) The court found that the only relevant question was whether the parties knew compensation was expected, however, there was evidence to support an implied in fact contract C) The court found that the plaintiff must establish all elements of an implied in fact contract, but failed to do so. D) The court found that the plaintiff must prove the parties agreed on all essential terms of whatever contract plaintiff alleges was entered into by the parties, and that the plaintiff met this burden of proof. E) The court found there was no evidence to infer an implied in fact contract. 84) Which of the following is true about void and voidable contracts? A) A void contract is not a contract at all; a voidable contract can be terminated by one party. B) Both parties must agree to terminate a void or a voidable contract because otherwise there would be no privity. C) Either party can terminate the contract at any time. D) Both contracts are illegal. E) Both contracts must contain an illegal object. 85) Viv entered into a contract with Rodin, an assassin, to kill her ex-husband. She pays him $50,000, but he does not perform the deed. She now wants her money back. Must Rodin return the money? A) Yes, because the contract is illegal. B) No, the contract is void because it is illegal. C) No, the contract is voidable because it is illegal. D) No, because the contract was not in writing. E) Yes, if she paid him. Â Â