31) A theorist coming out of this tradition would be most likely to focus on the need to dismantle prevailing discourses about families. a. Marxist-feminism b. post-structuralism c. symbolic interactionism d. queer theory 32) ________ seeks to dismantle prevailing discourses about families. a. Functionalism b. Feminist theory c. Conflict theory d. Post-structuralist theory 33) According to post-structuralists, commonsensical notions of “good mothering” and “good fathering” operate as ____________ discourses. a. normalizing b. leveling c. confrontational d. structural 34) Queer theorists question all of the following in relation to the family except a. normative categories. b. heteronormativity. c. heterorelationality. d. the diversity of family types. 35) The use of a domestic space to develop and maintain queer relationships, friendships, and communities subverts the _______________ norm of homes as the site of private family relationships. a. heterosexual b. monolithic c. sexist d. capitalist 36) Capitalist societies are organized in ways that place ____________ and ______________ in conflict with each other. a. paid work; unpaid work b. income-generating behaviour; caregiving work c. formal support; paid support d. domestic labour; men’s labour 37) Changes in recent decades, such as more paid hours needed to support a household and government cutbacks, contributed to all of the following except a. an increased number of women in the workforce. b. unpaid caregiving responsibilities placed on women. c. the increasing number of people who work more than one paid job. d. the disappearance of the gendered division of labour. 38) Hochschild coined this term in reference to the domestic labour performed by employed women at home after finishing their paid workdays. a. double duty b. second shift c. pink ghetto d. feminization of inequity 39) In Canada today, women account for approximately ____ percent of victims of family violence. a. 65 b. 75 c. 85 d. 95 40) Is the issue of domestic violence a. an isolated and private trouble? b. common to only a certain demographic in society? c. common among low income minorities? d. a pervasive social issue?