31) Which of the following statements about advertising is true? A) Advertising is personal communication from an identified sponsor using the mass media. B) Consumers perceive advertising as always having a high level of credibility. C) Advertising can be used to establish and reinforce a distinctive brand identity. D) Advertising tends to be comparatively inexpensive. E) Advertising always relies on factual information. 32) ________ components of the promotion mix do not seek a short-term increase in sales. Instead, with these communication activities, the company tries to maintain a positive image of an organization and its products. A) Personal selling B) Sales promotion C) Public relations D) Word of mouth marketing E) Direct marketing 33) Today’s consumers are increasingly getting information from one another rather than from the original source. This new communication landscape is referred to as ________. A) the groundswell B) evangelist marketing C) integrated marketing communications D) stealth marketing E) the infiltration 34) Which of the following refers to everyday people participating in marketing by sharing their opinions with their friends, neighbors, and acquaintances? A) personal selling B) buzz C) indirect marketing D) stealth marketing E) shilling 35) WOM stands for ________. A) with original marketing B) weak owners’ market C) word of mouth D) word of marketing E) without original marketing 36) Buzz that comes from a deliberate buzz marketing campaign is called ________, while buzz that occurs without a deliberate campaign from the marketer is called ________. A) virtual WOM; viral WOM B) viral WOM; virtual WOM C) organic WOM; amplified WOM D) amplified WOM; organic WOM E) direct WOM; indirect WOM 37) Activities that deliberately deceive consumers or involve lying on behalf of clients are referred to as ________. A) virtual marketing B) viral marketing C) buzz marketing D) stealth marketing E) word of mouth marketing 38) Which of the following is NOT considered an unethical buzz marketing strategy? A) infiltration B) creating evangelist programs C) shilling D) comment spam E) stealth marketing 39) Viral marketing primarily uses which of the following communication channels? A) billboards B) print media C) radio D) cable television E) the Internet 40) Viral marketing is most closely related to which of the following? A) buzz building B) personal selling C) shilling D) public relations E) direct marketing


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