161. In a longitudinal study of a group of teenage mothers in Baltimore, most of whom were poor and African- American, the researchers found which of the following to be TRUE five years after childbirth? a. Just under half of the girls had completed high school. b. Many of the girls had had another pregnancy. c. Almost 25 percent of the girls had received public assistance during the preceding year. d. All of these were findings five years after childbirth. 162. In a longitudinal study of a group of teenage mothers in Baltimore, most of whom were poor and African -American, which of the following was NOT a finding of this group twelve years after childbirth? a. The girls had about a year less of education than their peers. b. Twenty-five percent of the girls had attended college and five percent had graduated. c. They averaged about 4.1 children per mother after twelve years. d. Two-thirds had not received welfare during the past five years. 163. Which of the following is FALSE regarding teenage mothers? a. When they are in their teens, teenagers who become mothers are more likely than other teens to be poor and have lower academic motivation. b. In ninety percent of the cases, getting pregnant was listed as the reason that the teenager mother dropped out of high school. c. Teenage mothers make up for early income losses several years later, when their children are in school. d. Adolescent pregnancies reduce the chances that women will be married many years later All of the other statements are true. 164. _________ is the preference to interact sexually with opposite-sexed partners, same-sexed partners, or both sexes. a. Sexual bias b. Gender bias c. Sexual orientation d. Gender orientation 165. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding sexual orientation? a. It is not unusual for preteen or teenage boys who ultimately identify as heterosexual to engage in homosexual sex play. b. It is not unusual for teenage girls to label themselves heterosexual even though they have same-sex crushes. c. The process of exploring sexual orientation can continue well into adulthood. d. All of these statements are true. 166. Most scientists believe that biological mechanism operate early in life to determine whether individuals have heterosexual, same-sex, or bisexual attractions based on evidence a. that sexual orientation is heritable. b. that early exposure to sex hormones influences gender identification and sexual orientation. c. that GLB (gay, lesbian, and bisexual) people show cross-gender behavior and interests more often than heterosexual people early in life. d. of all of these. 167. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding sexual orientation? a. As many as one in four children in early adolescence express some uncertainty about their sexual orientation. b. Most scientists believe that sociological and psychological mechanisms operate early in life to determine one’s sexual orientation. c. The heritability mechanism that determine sexual orientation appears to differ for women and men. d. The average age when girls begin to become aware of same-sex attractions is between 10 and 11 years of age, while the average age for boys is between nine and 13 years. 168. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding sexual orientation? a. As many as one in four children in early adolescence express some uncertainty about their sexual orientation. b. Most scientists believe that biological mechanisms operate early in life to determine one’s sexual orientation. c. The heritability mechanism that determine sexual orientation appears to differ for women and men. d. The average age when girls begin to become aware of same-sex attractions is between 12 and 14 years of age, while the average age for boys is between 14 and 16 years. 169. The average age when girls begin to become aware of same-sex attraction is between ________ years; the average age for boys is between __________years. a. eight and nine; nine and 13 b. ten and 11; nine and 13 c. 11 and 13; 13 and 15 d. 14 and 16; 14 and 16 170. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding sexual orientation? a. GLB youth have a higher rate of suicide attempts than their peers. b. Survey samples have shown that between seven and 20 percent of GLB youth have been hit, kicked, or physically assaulted in other ways because of their orientation. c. Most GLB “come out†and discuss their feelings with their mothers first. d. Not all GLB youth should be encouraged to “come out†to their parents.