31) Draw the Lewis structure for NO2? including any valid resonance structures. Which of the following statements is true? A) The nitrite ion contains one N—O single bond and one NO double bond. B) The nitrite ion contains two N—O bonds that are equivalent to 1 bonds. C) The nitrite ion contains two NO double bonds. D) The nitrite ion contains two N—O single bonds. E) None of the above are true. 32) Draw the Lewis structure for CO32- including any valid resonance structures. Which of the following statements is true? A) The CO32- ion contains one C—O single bond and two CO double bonds. B) The CO32- ion contains two C—O single bonds and one CO double bond. C) The CO32- ion contains three C—O double bonds. D) The CO32- ion contains two C—O single bonds and one CO triple bond. E) None of the above are true. 33) Which of the following resonance structures for OCN? will contribute most to the correct structure of OCN?? A) O(2 lone pairs)CN (2 lone pairs) B) O(1 lone pair)C-N(3 lone pairs) C) O(1 lone pair)C(2 lone pairs)N(1 lone pair) D) O(3 lone pairs)—CN(with 1 lone pair) E) They all contribute equally to the correct structure of OCN?. 34) Using Lewis structures and formal charge, which of the following ions is most stable? OCN?ONC?NOC? A) OCN? B) ONC? C) NOC? D) None of these ions are stable according to Lewis theory. E) All of these compounds are equally stable according to Lewis theory. 35) Draw the Lewis structure for SO42?. How many equivalent resonance structures can be drawn? A) 6 B) 2 C) 4 D) 3 E) 8 36) Draw the best Lewis structure for Cl3?. What is the formal charge on the central Cl atom? A) -1 B) 0 C) +1 D) +2 E) -2 37) Draw the best Lewis structure for the free radical, NO2. What is the formal charge on the N? A) 0 B) +1 C) -1 D) +2 E) -2 38) Draw the best Lewis structure for CH3-1. What is the formal charge on the C? A) 0 B) 1 C) -1 D) 2 39) Draw the best Lewis structure for CH3+1. What is the formal charge on the C? A) 0 B) 1 C) -1 D) 2 40) Draw the best Lewis structure for BrO4? and determine the formal charge on bromine. A) -1 B) +1 C) 0 D) +2 E) +3


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