91) Chewing gum is stocked in many outlets in the same market or community; in fact, it is placed in as many outlets as possible. This is an example of ________ distribution. A) exclusive B) selective C) dual D) intensive E) disintermediated 92) Which of the following is most likely intensively distributed? A) Olympus digital cameras B) BMW automobiles C) Diesel blue jeans D) Coca-Cola E) Nike running shoes 93) Which of the following is most likely exclusively distributed? A) BMW automobiles B) Diesel blue jeans C) Bazooka bubble gum D) Prairie Farms yogurt E) Coca-Cola 94) Tiffany & Co jewelry can only be found in a limited number of intermediaries. This is an example of ________ distribution. A) exclusive B) intensive C) independent D) quality E) high-end 95) Which type of vertical marketing system (VMS) gives an organization more control over both supply sources and resale of its products, while at the same time increasing the organization’s capital investment and its fixed costs? A) administered B) contractual C) conventional D) corporate E) horizontal 96) A brand of variety stores is part of a wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain. This means these retailers are members of a(n) ________ vertical marketing system (VMS). A) administered B) conventional C) corporate D) horizontal E) contractual 97) At some catalog retailers, employees on roller skates called pickers are handed a printout of the products a customer wants, and then the pickers skate through large warehouses accumulating the desired products into one central location. The pickers are engaged in ________. A) enterprise resource planning B) transportation C) materials handling D) warehousing E) inventory control 98) Jewels for the Rich and Famous sells very exclusive jewelry with a minimum price of $25,000 to customers around the world. Speed of delivery to distant markets is a must. Management should use ________ as its main carrier. A) railroads B) air C) trucks D) water E) pipeline 99) Grayville Rock and Gravel, located in a seaport town, sells rock, gravel, and sand to local markets. It has just been awarded a contract with a company 500 miles down the coast. Management should consider switching from truck to ________ transport to save money. A) water B) railroads C) pipeline D) air E) none of the above 100) Which of the following modes of transportation would most likely be used to quickly haul lettuce from California, where it was grown, to markets in Nevada? A) trucks B) railroads C) air D) pipeline E) water