36)The ultimate responsibility for ethical research lies with the A)government. B)REB. C)researcher. D)educational institution. 37)The Research Ethcs Board (REB) A)reduces the researcher’s ethical responsibility to design acceptable research. B)is designed to assist researchers and help protect human participants. C)is comprised of the president of the university and other top administrators. D)is designed to help protect animals. 38)The Canadian funding agency providing research grants for health and health care is called  A)CIHR. B)NSERC. C)REB. D)SSHRC. 39)If you were conducting research on marriage patterns in Canada, which agency would be the most likely to fund your study? A)REB. B)NSERC. C)CIHR. D)SSRHC. 40)Which of the following ethical concerns have been raised about using animals in experiments? A)Animal behavior is unpredictable. B)Research procedures are often more invasive in animal research. C)Animals do not provide good data. D)Fewer drugs are tested on animals. 41)In 2006, SSHRC issued close to $300 million in funding. What percentage of bids were granted funding? A)10%. B)100%. C)40%. D)75%. 42)The Canadian funding agencies share the common goal of supporting A)high calibre research. B)research conducted by visible minorities. C)research conducted by women. D)research that does not involve deception. 43)A necessary step before submitting a research proposal to an Ethics Review Board is to A)ensure you have recruited all your study participants. B)ensure you have received funding for your research study. C)conduct ethical checks. D)hire all your research participants. 44)Ethical checks are done A)after the study is completed. B)prior to beginning a study. C)after obtaining informed consent. D)prior to submitting your manuscript for publication. 45)Which of the following statements about ethics and technology is TRUE? A)If we have the technology, then it is ethical. B)Technology and ethics go hand in hand. C)Just because we have the technology does not make it ethical. D)


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