1)New family starts are A)only a modem day phenomenon. B)a thing of the past. C)always a positive experience. D)a thing of the past and of the present. E)generally a negative experience. 2)Why did fresh family starts occur in the past? A)The higher mortality rates meant that families often experienced the death of spouses or parents. B)Families would transition every so often in order to keep the excitement alive. C)Families were forced to change and start over because government regulations required new family starts every 10 years. D)Societal norms of the past dictated fresh family starts every five years. E)When children became unhappy with their family situation, they opted for new families instead. 3)Which of the following characterizes a fresh family start? A)Cohabitation. B)Divorce. C)Remarriage. D)Widowhood. E)All of the above. 4)An important dimension of a fresh family start is that family is A)equivalent to household. B)related to close friends. C)related to generational gaps. D)not equivalent to household. E)all of the above. 5)According to family study research, family is a A)heterosexual union only. B)social function for the government. C)process. D)static institution. E)term that does not accurately describe lone parents. 6)Most people that live alone A)are isolated. B)have limited contact with their parents. C)talk to their parents everyday. D)live close to their mothers. E)live more than 1000 km from their parents. 7)What prevents sociologists from making any solidly based generalizations about solo living? A)The large number of people living solo. B)The diversity of solo living. C)The lack of clear definition of living solo. D)The difficulty of counting the number of people living solo. E)All of the above. 8)Which of the following is a pathway into lone parenting? A)The deliberate seeking of parenthood on one’s own. B)Having biological children without being in a relationship. C)Marital or relationship dissolution. D)Adopting children outside of a union. E)All of the above. 9)     A growing number of Canadian women are likely to opt for what kind of relationship in their second union? A)Cluttered nest. B)Living apart together. C)Marriage. D)Common-law. E)Same-sex. 10)According to Statistics Canada ((2006), approximately how many children live in a single-parent family. A)one out of twenty-five B)one out of seven C)one out of ten D)one out of five E)one out of fifty 1