31) The ________ of the geologic time scale represents the time of the most recent “Ice Age.” A) Pleistocene era B) Pliocene epoch C) Pleistocene epoch D) Pliocene era 32) Which one of the following statements concerning glaciers is not true? A) Ice sheets are larger than ice caps. B) Piedmont glaciers form on lowlands at the base of mountainous terrain. C) The volume of water tied up in the Antarctic ice sheet is about the same as the total discharge of the Amazon River in one year. D) Long, extended, alpine glaciers occupied valleys in most high, mountainous areas in the United States, Canada, and Europe at one or more times during the past two million years. 33) A ________ is an erosional feature specifically produced by alpine glaciation. A) lateral moraine B) drumlin C) crevasse spur D) U-shaped valley 34) A(n) ________ is likely to host a waterfall or steep rapids today. A) outwash plain B) hanging valley C) striated drumlin D) horn peak 35) A ________ is a glacier-cut valley that partly flooded as sea level rose. A) till crevasse B) fiord C) hanging cirque D) kettle trough 36) A drumlin is a ________. A) smooth, tapering ridge of till; formed and shaped beneath a continental ice sheet B) bowl-shaped depression eroded largely by frost action and glacial plucking C) till mound of outwash deposited by meltwater streams at the snout of a glacier D) smooth, striated, bedrock ridge shaped and polished by a glacier 37) ________ are both deposited by meltwater streams. A) Terminal moraines and cirques B) Outwash plains and valley trains C) Valley moraines and ice sheet trains D) Recessional kettles and erratics 38) Where is the world’s second largest continental ice sheet? A) Iceland B) Greenland C) Antarctica D) Siberian Russia 39) How do icebergs in the North Atlantic Ocean originate? A) by calving of large piedmont glaciers in Greenland B) as large masses of sea ice that float northward from Antarctica C) as masses of sea ice that float southward from the Arctic Ocean D) as calved blocks of glacial ice that float northward from Antarctica 40) Which of the following best describes the term glacial drift? A) floating of icebergs southward from the north polar seas B) slow, plastic flow movement in the brittle zone of a glacier C) the sedimentary materials outwash and till D) the slow, southward advance of the continental ice sheets over Canada and North America during the Pleistocene