91) Each of the following diseases EXCEPT ________ carries the risk of causing mental retardation in an infant if the mother contracts the disease during pregnancy. A) endometriosis B) rubella C) syphilis D) genital herpes 92) Most children who contract ________ from their mothers do so by contact with the virus in the birth canal during delivery. A) AIDS B) rubella C) syphilis D) herpes 93) A diet that is low in phenylalanine would be recommended for a child with __________. A) Turner’s syndrome B) Tay-Sachs disease C) Klinefelter’s syndrome D) PKU 94) Tay-Sachs disorder is more prevalent in which of the following regions? A) the Maritimes B) Quebec C) Ontario D) Nunavut 95) Maternal smoking during pregnancy has been linked to the development of ________ in children. A) mental retardation B) attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder C) savant syndrome D) autism 96) A maternal disease of the herpes virus group that carries a risk of mental retardation to the unborn child is ________. A) rubella B) syphilis C) cytomegalovirus D) genital herpes 97) In cultural-familial retardation, the cause of the retardation is ________. A) prenatal drug use by the mother B) infection and high fever during infancy C) ingestion of environmental toxins D) not traceable to any biological source 98) Children most at risk for developing cultural-familial retardation are children ________. A) whose parents have mental retardation B) born into poverty C) born into primitive cultures D) whose parents are divorced before the child reaches age five 99) Which of the following is NOT true of children with cultural-familial retardation? A) Their parents often lack the necessary skills to provide the child with appropriate reading and communication skills. B) The parents are often unable to spend quality time with them to provide the stimulation necessary for proper social and intellectual growth. C) These children fail to respond even when provided with enriched learning experiences. D) These children often lack stimulating books and toys that could help foster normal intellectual development. 100) Which of the following is true of mainstreaming children with mental retardation? A) Even children with mild retardation are overwhelmed by the demands of regular classes and usually withdraw from their classmates when mainstreamed. B) While some children with mild mental retardation achieve better when mainstreamed, others may be overwhelmed and fail to achieve their potential. C) Children with both mild and moderate retardation achieve better when mainstreamed; however, those with severe and profound retardation do not. D) Even children with severe mental retardation achieve better when mainstreamed when they are given proper guidance and supervision.