71) An anxiety disorder characterized by frequent panic disorder that affect the person’s ability to function in day-to-day living is called a. obsessive-compulsive disorder. b. generalized anxiety disorder. c. panic disorder. d. posttraumatic stress disorder. 72) Which of the following is the term used to describe a sudden onset of extreme panic with various symptoms including racing heart, rapid breathing, and sweating? a. Obsessive-compulsive disorder b. Generalized anxiety disorder c. Panic attack d. Posttraumatic stress disorder 73) Darcy is sitting at her desk in her office one day when, without warning, her heart begins racing rapidly, she has a sensation of being “out of her body,” and she experiences dulled vision and hearing, rapid breathing, and sweating. She thinks she is having a heart attack. Nothing she is doing seems to have caused such an episode. Her symptoms most resemble a. obsessive-compulsive disorder. b. generalized anxiety disorder. c. those of a panic attack. d. posttraumatic stress disorder. 74) Demetri is walking down the street and suddenly experiences a bout of intense fear, sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, and a pounding heart. He goes to the emergency room and is told that his symptoms were “all in his head”. This is the seventh time that Demetri has experienced these unexpected symptoms within the past few months. Based on what you know about psychological disorders, Demetri most likely would be diagnosed with a. panic disorder. b. generalized anxiety disorder. c. agoraphobia. d. obsessive-compulsive disorder. 75) Davis has such an intense, irrational fear of clowns that he cannot take his daughters to see the circus when it is in town. Davis would be most correctly diagnosed as suffering from a. obsessive-compulsive disorder. b. posttraumatic stress disorder. c. panic disorder. d. a phobia. 76) Which type of anxiety disorder is the most common? a. Panic disorder b. Phobias c. Posttraumatic stress disorder d. Generalized anxiety disorder 77) Which type of phobia is the most debilitating of all phobias? a. Social phobias b. Arachnophobia c. Agoraphobia d. Hydrophobia 78) Most people with panic disorder also develop what other anxiety disorder? a. Posttraumatic stress disorder b. Obsessive-compulsive disorder c. Agoraphobia d. Generalized anxiety disorder 79) Fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or impossible if something should go wrong is called a. agoraphobia. b. trypanophobia. c. acrophobia. d. pantaphobia. 80) Fear of snakes, thunderstorms, darkness, and water are classified as ______ phobias. a. specific b. social c. nonspecific d. nonsocial


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