11.Cattell (1963) defined the size of one’s store of factual knowledge as a)fluid intelligence b)general intelligence c)stable intelligence d)crystallized intelligence 12.The theory that both a general intelligence factor as well as some major group factors exist is part of a)Two-factor theory b)the Spearman-Thurstone model c)hierarchical models of intelligence d)the Structure of Intellect model 13.Hierarchical models of intelligence, such as those of Vernon or Carroll, imply that a)tests that measure g are the only acceptable tests b)tests that measure specific aspects of intelligence are the only acceptable tests c)tests that measure both g and specific aspects of intelligence are acceptable d)intelligence is not measurable 14.Operations, Contents, and Products are elements of a)Two-factor theory b)group Factor theory c)the hierarchical model d)the Structure of Intellect model 15.From the debate over the importance of the general intelligence factor “g”, one can conclude that a)g has little pragmatic utility b)g has pragmatic utility c)considering only g may obscure key questions such as why a person is intelligent d)both b and c 16.Early developments in intelligence tests and theories occurred in a)England and France b)Spain and Italy c)Japan and Russia d)the United States and Canada 17.Several of the basic procedures used in the analysis of individual differences were developed by English biologist a)Sir Francis Galton b)James McKeen c)Sir Francis Drake d)Lord Winston Churchill 18.The first scale to provide a practical and reasonably valid measure of intelligence was developed by a)Stanford and Binet b)Binet and Swallow c)Galton and Cattell d)Binet and Simon 19.Intelligence quotients based on mental age have been criticized because a)one’s mental age may be lower than one’s chronological age b)mental age does not increase once people reach adulthood, penalizing older people c)chronological age is not a reliable mental indicator d)mental age increases faster than chronological age 20.The real impetus for the development of group tests was a)the French Ministry’s concern with children’s education b)the Great Depression c)World War I d)the passage of the 16th Amendment 21.The construct “emotional intelligence” a)is not yet well defined b)is more important than general cognitive ability c)is highly correlated with other types of intelligence d)provides an better alternative to cognitive ability testing 22.A response of liking is a(n) a)aptitude b)trait c)interest d)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ability 23.Personality inventories have roots in a)studies of psychopathology b)World War II c)studies of neurology d)studies of interest indices 24.The “big five” refer to a)five personality factors found in most personality inventories b)the five major personality taxonomies c)the five forms personality measurement may take d) five major criticisms of personality testing