31) Which of the following is an essential characteristic of a strong password? A) It should have at least 12 characters. B) It should contain a complete dictionary word. C) It should not contain many special characters. D) It should not contain your user name or company name. 32) You have created a password which meets all the criteria for a strong password. What is a potential drawback of such a password? A) It will be difficult to remember. B) It will be very long. C) It can be easily guessed. D) It will create IP address conflicts in networks. 33) Which of the following, if true, would weaken a password? A) It contains a complete dictionary word in Latin. B) It contains both upper- and lowercase letters. C) It contains the numbers 9 and 3. D) It contains three special characters. 34) Which of the following is the weakest password? A) B33rmu9 B) Qw37^T1bb?as C) 3B47qq5!7bdE D) As60$T1dd?dc 35) Which of the following is considered a strong password? A) sword123 B) RileyyeliR C) paranoid4EVER D) 36) Which of the following techniques is best suited for creating memorable, strong passwords? A) use at least one dictionary word in the password B) use numbers instead of special characters C) base passwords on the first letter of the words in a phrase D) create a password that is related to your name or company name 37) In order to protect your password, you should never ________. A) use the password more than three times in a day B) write down your password C) use virtual key boards to enter your password D) create passwords containing multiple words 38) Which of the following statements on password etiquette is true? A) If someone asks for your password, do not just give it out. B) Always back-up your password by writing it down. C) Never access an information system from a computer that is connected to the Internet. D) Never use the password more than three times a day. 39) If someone asks for your password ________. A) adamantly refuse to provide the password B) go over to that person’s machine and enter your password yourself C) ensure that they have a good reason to need access to your account and give them the password D) provide the password through an e-mail