21) To make a causal statement, a researcher needs all of the following, EXCEPT A) temporal order. B) association. C) elimination of alternative explanation. D) mathematical proof. E) all the above are necessary. 22) Professor Zheng Zhao wanted to study the cause for thousands of people leaving Hong Kong to move to Toronto, Ontario. In order to establish temporal order in his causal argument, he must show which of the following? A) There is a correlation between events in Hong Kong and a decision to move. B) Events occurred in Hong Kong before people moved to Toronto. C) The type of people who left Hong Kong are more educated and have more money than those who stayed. D) A fear for the future of Hong Kong and no other reason caused the move to Toronto. E) Hong Kong media reports about a high quality of life in Toronto and relatives in Canada were not major factors in the decision for people to move. 23) A theory that seeks to explain how the Newly Industrializing Countries (NICs) of East Asia (e.g., Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore) were able to rapidly industrialize and gain a major position in world markets between the 1960s and the 1990s is operating at which level? A) Micro B) Meso C) Macro D) Mini E) Maxi 24) Which of the following theoretical statements has the narrowest range? A) People who experience unclear expectations will feel tension and stress. B) College students who successfully complete a social research methods course develop critical reasoning skills that are superior to most other college students. C) Canadian females under the age of 30 who exercise twice a week have a life expectancy two to three years longer than those who do not. D) Professional baseball athletes in Japan who play first base and chew tobacco have the coordination and speed to tag more runners out than those who do not chew. E) Immigrant adolescents who arrive in Canada from South America have a more difficult time adjusting to the high school environment than those from Asia. 25) Graduate student Bill Botorff developed a theory of social movement development. The theory states that a movement develops like a child matures and goes through developmental stages. Each stage is like a step in a set of stairs, it must be passed before the movement is able to advance to the next stage in the sequence of development steps. He says this pattern of development explains how the women’s movement and civil rights movement changed. He is using what type of explanation? A) Structural B) Interpretative C) Causal D) Predictive E) None of the above 26) Which is the range of the following statement? Canadians who have grown up with one parent and a much older sibling of the opposite sex of the parent residing at home tend to treat the older sibling as a parent figure. A) Theoretical framework B) Theory on a topic C) Middle-range theory D) Empirical generalization E) None of the above is the range 27) You pick up an article in the Montreal Gazette and read the following: In a dating relationship, each person attempts to gain social approval and acceptance. If one person makes an elaborate entry and presents an expensive gift to obtain more approval, the other person feels a need to maintain balance in the relationship. A repayment through an offer of something of value (e.g., expressions of affection, sexual relations, etc.) is expected. Failure to repay the social debt may create embarrassment or place the receiver of the gift in a position of dependence. Which theoretical framework is the author using? A) Structural functionalism B) Conflict C) Symbolic interactionism D) Exchange theory E) None of the above 28) Graduate student Morton Millwork created a micro-level theory about working in a factory. Which of the following would he be most likely to study? A) How an increased division of labour with industrialization gave rise to factories as the places where many people work. B) How urbanization increased the growth of the factory as a form of social organization over the past 100 years. C) How greater conflict between the managerial and non-managerial levels in a corporation increased the pace of factory work. D) How the development of robots and new computer-related production technology has produced a corresponding increase in the surveillance of employee behaviour in factories. E) How face-to-face interactions among workers in small work teams in a factory informally enforce certain company rules. 29) Which general theoretical framework in sociology is most likely to state the following: In selecting a marriage partner, a man is likely to seriously consider potential mates who allow him to maintain power and control in the relationship. He will seek to maintain authority over a woman’s wealth, earnings, sexual favours, and social status, especially in a society where patriarchy prevails as an ideology and justifies his actions in the larger society. A) Exchange theory B) Symbolic interactionism C) Structural functional theory D) Conflict theory E) None of the above 30) Which of the three major approaches to social science holds that human life is based less on objective reality than on the ideas, beliefs, and perceptions people hold about reality? A) Positivism B) Interpretative social science C) Critical social science D) All of the above E) None of the above


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