11) According to _____________, the emergence of a social problem indicates that the social system needs to make adjustments. As a result, changes in one part of society require changes in other parts. a. Parsons b. Marx c. Darwin d. Sorokin 12) According to this sociological approach, anything that challenges the status quo will be resisted. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. evolutionary theory d. cyclical theory 13) In Parsons’ functionalist theory of society, social change occurs through a process of a. differentiation. b. innovation. c. enlightenment. d. improvement. 14) For Marx, social change comes about in this way: a. active revolt against oppression and exploitation. b. increasing enlightenment among the general population c. technological innovations that render labour less strenuous d. the elimination of oppressive politicians 15) This theory uses insights offered by Darwin to explain how societies change over time. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. evolutionary theory d. cyclical theory 16) According to this theory, there is only one path through which Canadian, or any, society, can evolve. a. universal evolutionary theory b. neo-evolutionary theory c. cyclical theory d. unilinear evolutionary theory 17) Which of the following is not a tenet of cyclical theory? a. Social change occurs in a way similar to the changing seasons. b. Social change occurs in a defined direction. c. There is an ebb and flow of social change. d. Change occurs through a series of endless cycles. 18) Within the context of Sorokin’s cyclical theory, a culture that interprets the social and physical world through the senses is an example of a/an ____________ culture. a. ideational b. sensate c. empiricist d. post-cyclical 19) A substantial number of people who join together on the basis of loosely defined norms is referred to by sociologists through this general term: a. group b. collectivity c. crowd d. culture 20) When people are collected together by shared participation in a rumour at the same time, while remaining in geographically different places, they belong to this type of collectivity: a. localized b. dispersed c. differentiated d. mediated