solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by smartalade
Critical Thinking. The instructional design process begins with the identification of an instructional problem or need. The purpose for identifying a problem is to determine whether instruction should be part of the solution. The activity is the first step in conducting a needs assessment. Your goal with this activity is to apply critical thinking skills to identify problems in your workplace (or community if no workplace) and describe the gap between what is expected and the existing conditions.
Your posting to the discussion forum should include the following information. Use the subjects Problem 1 and Problem 2 followed by a short description of the problem:
Identify two (2) problems in your workplace or community for which the lack of knowledge contributes significantly to each of the problems. One of these problems will ultimately become the focus of your teaching project.
Describe the gap between what is expected and the existing condition or problem.
Explain why you think teaching may be the solution to each of these problems
Identify one possible obstacle for the learner in receiving instruction on each topic/problem in a group format
Identify one possible barrier for you as the designer and provider of instruction for each problem.