Section 7Â Â MRP in Services 1) DRP is a time-phased stock-replenishment plan for all levels of a distribution network. 2) Which of the following statements regarding MRP in services is TRUE? A) MRP is for manufacturing only, and it is not applicable to services. B) MRP can be used in services, but only in those that offer very limited customization. C) MRP only works in services for demand that is independent. D) Services such as restaurant meals illustrate dependent demand, and they require product structure trees, bills-of-material, and scheduling. E) None of the above is true. 3) Distribution resource planning (DRP) is: A) a transportation plan to ship materials to warehouses. B) a time-phased stock replenishment plan for all levels of a distribution network. C) a shipping plan from a central warehouse to retail warehouses. D) material requirements planning with a feedback loop from distribution centers. E) a material requirements planning package used exclusively by warehouses. 4) What is DRP? Section 8Â Â Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 1) Firms may discover that, rather than adapting ERP to the way they do business, they have to adapt the way they do business to accommodate the ERP software. 2) The supply-chain systems that result from using ERP in the grocery industry are called efficient consumer response (ECR) systems. 3) Enterprise resource planning (ERP): A) seldom requires software upgrade or enhancement. B) does not integrate well with functional areas other than operations. C) is inexpensive to implement. D) automates and integrates the majority of business processes. E) all of the above 4) Which of the following is FALSE concerning enterprise resource planning (ERP)? A) It attempts to automate and integrate the majority of business processes. B) It shares common data and practices across the enterprise. C) It is inexpensive to implement. D) It provides and accesses information in a real-time environment. E) ERP software promises reduced transaction costs. 5) A(n) ________ system is packaged business software that automates and integrates the majority of business processes, shares common data and practices across the entire enterprise, and produces information in a real-time environment. 6) What does enterprise resource planning (ERP) allow an organization to do?


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