31) A major contribution of post-structuralist theory to the sociological examination of disability is its critique of a. normativity and the language of the “normal” body. b. medical practitioners. c. Western society’s obsession with the body. d. law. 32) When a nation’s government pays doctors and hospitals for the medical services they provide according to a schedule of fees set annually by governments in consultation with professional medical associations, that nation can rightfully be said to have a system of a. nationalized health care. b. socialist health care. c. socialized health insurance. d. socialist medicare. 33) Which of the following is not a principle of health care in Canada? a. universal b. comprehensive c. accessible d. pay-per-service 34) In Canada today, almost _____ percent of the GDP is spent on health care. a. 1 b. 5 c. 10 d. 15 35) While in the U.S., significantly more of the GDP is spent on health care compared with Canada, approximately 25 percent of the U.S. health care spending goes toward high administrative costs associated with a. employee surveillance. b. communication between so many different states. c. lawsuits due to negligence. d. private health care companies. 36) This term is used to describe the state of affairs in which there exists one health care system for the rich and one for the rest of society. a. two-tier system b. hierarchical system c. divided system d. double tier health care 37) When some people can “jump the cue” by paying for better health care, while others who cannot afford to do so must wait for significantly longer periods of time for care, the health system is a. conflictual. b. two-tiered. c. divided. d. double tiered. 38) The increasing influence of the medical profession in defining what is normal/healthy and abnormal/ill is referred to by conflict theorists as a process of a. pathologization. b. medicalization. c. modernization. d. normalization. 39) Which of the following statements about the aging Canadian population is NOT true? a. By 2056, seniors will comprise almost 30 percent of Canada’s population. b. Canadian seniors are defined as those over the age of 65. c. Although seniors currently make up a large proportion of Canadians, their numbers are expected to dwindle over the next 30 years. d. The proportion of seniors who are visible minorities is steadily increasing. 40) The elderly dependency ratio a. measures the proportion of seniors (aged 65 and older) to workers. b. measures the proportion of healthy seniors to unhealthy seniors. c. measures the proportion of seniors who live independently to those who have caretakers. d. measures the proportion of seniors who are employed to those who are retired.


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