21. Which method of organization is used in the following main points? I. The outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, is about as thick as a sheet of paper. II. The middle layer of the skin, the dermis, is 15 to 40 times thicker than the epidermis. III. The innermost layer of the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, is by far the thickest layer. a. topical b. visual c. scientific d. ascending e. spatial 22. Here are the main points for a speech about the components of a medieval coat of armor. I. The head was protected by a helmet. II. The torso was protected by shoulder pieces, palates, a breastplate, a skirt of tasses, and a tuille. III. The arms and hands were protected by brassards, elbow pieces, and gauntlets. IV. The legs and feet were protected by cuisses, knee pieces, jambeaux, and sollerets. These main points are arranged in __________ order. a. topical b. informative c. chronological d. structural e. spatial 23. Adriana’s informative speech about different kinds of coffee had the following main points. I. Coffees grown in South America are known for their acidic taste. II. Coffees grown in Africa are known for their earthy taste. III. Coffees grown in Asia are known for their well-balanced taste. What method of organization did Adriana use for her main points? a. causal b. economic c. objective d. analytical e. spatial 24. Here are the main points for a speech about the four lobes of the cerebral cortex. I. The frontal lobe is located in the front of the brain. II. The parietal lobe is located in the middle of the brain. III. The temporal lobe is located on the bottom of the brain. IV. The occipital lobe is located in the back of the brain. These main points are arranged in __________ order. a. causal b. spatial c. chronological d. topical e. contextual 25. Here are the main points for a speech about the impact of : I. Climate change has had a major impact in North America. II. Climate change has had a major impact in South America. III. Climate change has had a major impact in Europe. IV. Climate change has had a major impact in Asia. V. Climate change has had a major impact in Africa. These main points are arranged in __________ order. a. directional b. spatial c. chronological d. causal e. problem-solution Â