271) Brigitte goes to a therapist for treatment of her drinking problem. Her therapist makes her sign a written behavioural contract in which she agrees to abstain from drinking and to take Antabuse. Her husband agrees to refrain from making comments about her past drinking and the probability of future lapses. This technique is part of ________. A) self-control training B) aversive conditioning C) covert sensitization D) social skills training 272) Leona goes to her therapist for treatment of her drinking problem. Her therapist teaches her methods to stop the drinking, which work quite effectively. Then, her therapist teaches her a series of techniques and skills designed to help prevent her from having lapses and to help her cope with high-risk situations and temptations she is sure to encounter. This approach is called ________. A) self-control training B) skills training C) relapse-prevention training D) the abstinence-violation effect 273) The tendency of a reforming alcoholic or substance abuser to overreact to a lapse in behaviour is called the ________. A) abstinence-violation effect B) Sobell syndrome C) social drinking response D) covert sensitization effect 274) Research on controlled social drinking indicates that ________. A) it is ineffective with young problem drinkers and people with chronic alcoholism B) it may be effective with young problem drinkers, but it is ineffective with people with chronic alcoholism C) it may be helpful with people with chronic alcoholism, but it is ineffective with young problem drinkers D) it may be helpful with both young problem drinkers and people with chronic alcoholism 275) Controlled-drinking programs may be helpful for __________. A) older people with chronic alcoholism B) those who have failed in programs requiring total abstinence C) people with later-stage alcoholism D) those who have risks that might be exaggerated by alcohol 276) The relapse-prevention model assumes that whether a lapse becomes a relapse depends on __________. A) the amount of social support the person receives B) the consequences of a relapse C) the amount of time between the first and second lapse D) the person’s interpretation of the lapse