61) The first step in the adoption process is ________. A) product evaluation B) awareness C) problem recognition D) evaluation E) interest 62) Marketers may conduct a massive advertising campaign, called a ________, to educate consumers about a new product. A) media blitz B) diffusion network C) trial market D) test market E) tipping point 63) Marketers are primarily striving to generate customer ________ when they use a teaser advertisement created to give prospective customers just enough information about a new product to make them curious. A) confirmation B) interest C) evaluation D) adoption E) impulse purchasing 64) In which stage of the consumer’s adoption of a new product does the purchase actually take place? A) awareness B) adoption C) interest D) tipping point E) evaluation 65) A(n) ________ is a purchase made on the spur of the moment without any planning or search effort. A) unsought product B) commodity C) impulse purchase D) emergency product E) shopping product 66) The last stage in the product adoption process is ________. A) awareness B) adoption C) interest D) confirmation E) evaluation 67) Unlike innovators, early adopters ________. A) compose the smallest of the adopter categories B) have greater concern for social acceptance C) have stronger physiological needs than others in the population D) are light media users E) are more worldly than the rest of the population 68) Which of the following statements about the adopter categories is true? A) More than 50 percent of the population is classified as late majority adopters. B) Early adopters are risk aversive. C) Early majority adopters are typically middle class and like to buy established products. D) Innovators are a much larger group than laggards. E) Late majority adopters are typically unconcerned about social acceptance. 69) ________ are the last in the population to adopt a new product. A) Laggards B) Late majority adopters C) Innovators D) Impulse buyers E) Dawdlers 70) ________ are typically lower in social class than other adopter categories and are bound by tradition. A) Early adopters B) Early majority C) Late majority D) Laggards E) Impulse buyers