solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by bubbles0006
Any help with this? Thanks
Image transcription text
Basal side Single row of nuclei = simple Apical side Basal side Two rows of nuclei = stratified Apical side 3.
Determine the shape of the cells at the apical side. Cell is tall and skinny = columnar Apical side Cell is about the
same height and width = cuboidal (this is never perfect) 20 Hum Apical side
Image transcription text
Basal side Single row of nuclei = simple Apical side Basal side Two rows of nuclei = stratified Apical side 3.
Determine the shape of the cells at the apical side. Cell is tall and skinny = columnar Apical side Cell is about the
same height and width = cuboidal (this is never perfect) 20 Hum Apical side