11.Harcourt Assessment publishes which of the following aptitude/ intelligence tests? a.Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 6 b.InView c.Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, 8th edition d.Tests of Cognitive Skills, 2nd edition 12.Tests of Cognitive Skills, 2nd edition is designed to assess students in which grades? a.Kindergarten – 1st grade b.Kindergarten – 2nd grade c.1st grade – 12th grade d.2nd grade – 12th grade 13.The Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 6 is designed to be administered with which achievement test? a.InView b.Iowa Tests of Basic Skills c.Stanford Achievement Test Series, 10th edition d.TerraNova, 2nd edition 14.Which test are you most likely to encounter when applying for a new job at a managerial or professional level? a.Iowa Tests of Basic Skills b.Miller Analogies Test c.Stanford Achievement Test Series, 10th edition d.Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 2nd edition 15.The first SAT was developed in: a.1916 b.1926 c.1946 d.1956 16.As a newly trained psychologist, you are tasked with administering a group intelligence test to a group of inmates at Bradshaw State Jail. Which of the following tests is most likely to be appropriate in this situation? a.Beta-III Test b.Iowa Tests of Basic Skills c.Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale d.Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 17.The WISC-IV subtest Coding is classified by the text author as primarily a measure of: a.processing speed. b.verbal comprehension. c.short-term auditory memory. d.abstract concept formation. 18.The WISC-IV subtest Block Design is a good measure for most examinees of: a.auditory memory. b.nonverbal concept formation. c.short-term auditory memory. d.visual attention. 19.Which of the following subtests is a supplementary measure on the WISC-IV? a.Arithmetic b.Picture Concepts c.Similarities d.Symbol Search 20.In what situation may a supplemental subtest be substituted for a core subtest on the WISC-IV? a.The core subtest is seen as being inappropriate for the examinee. b.The examiner prefers this subtest over one of the core subtests. c.The examiner is tired. d.The examinee’s performance would likely be enhanced by using the