51. According to research presented in the text, about what percent of people who retire report that their mental and physical health DECLINED during the period immediately after retirement? a. about 83% b. about 50% c. about 33% d. about 17% 52. Questions that assess a person’s best time for retirement provide an index of: a. functional well-being b. openness to experience c. retirement maturity d. emotional health 53. How prepared a person is to retire is known as an index of: a. retirement maturity b. emotional health. c. openness to experience d. functional well-being 54. Rod visited with a retirement counselor who asked him if he had adequate savings and income, a place to live, and other related questions to learn how prepared Rod is to retire. The retirement counselor was most likely trying to estimate Rod’s index of: a. functional well-being b. emotional health c. openness to experience d. retirement maturity 55. According to the text, all of the following are trends taking place in U. S. society EXCEPT: a. people are retiring at younger ages b. divorce and remarriage are more common c. there is a wider range of single lifestyles d. kinship relationships with grandchildren are more complex 56. After children leave home, parents generally experience ______ stress and ______ feelings of satisfaction and harmony. a. more; more b. less; less c. less; more d. more; less 57. Ruth and John have just entered the “empty nest” phase of their lives. You would expect that the amount of stress that Ruth feels would ______ and the amount than John feels would ______. a. decrease; decrease b. decrease; increase c. increase; decrease d. increase; increase 58. If Julie were the youngest child in her family and the last to leave home, she should expect that the stress her parents feel after she moves away will ______ and their level of marital satisfaction will _______. a. increase; increase b. increase; decrease c. decrease; increase d. decrease; decrease 59. In comparison to marriages that have not been happy, marriages that are happy tend to be more _________ in older adulthood. a. traditional in terms of religion b. egalitarian c. organized along gender lines d. stressful 60. Generally speaking, older adults who become grandparents generally feel _________ about this role and those who become great-grandparents generally feel _________ about this role. a. negative; positive b. positive; negative c. negative; negative d. positive; positive


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