11) Which of the following is an example of moral hazard? A) I hire you to work in my garden for a fixed fee, and you work hard all day. B) I hire you to work at an hourly rate and you work as slowly as possible. C) You apply for the job only because I pay a fixed wage per day, no matter how much or little you do. D) You agree to be paid by the weed to work in my garden, and then don’t work hard. 12) Because Don has health insurance, he is more likely to see the doctor when he has a cold. This is an example of A) adverse selection. B) moral hazard. C) both moral hazard and adverse selection. D) private information. 13) If Sally drives less carefully after buying auto insurance, she illustrates A) adverse selection. B) negative selection. C) moral hazard. D) lemon hazard. 14) Adverse selection is created by A) incentives to change behavior after two parties have reached an agreement. B) risk. C) lump-sum taxes. D) private information. 15) Adverse selection can occur when A) all parties have full information. B) one party has information not available to the other party. C) incentives result in one party not reaching an agreement with the other party. D) nobody has any information. 16) The tendency for people to enter into agreements in which they can use their private information to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of the less informed party is known as A) adverse selection B) moral hazard. C) the market for oranges. D) a signal. 17) Adverse selection is the tendency for people who accept contracts to be those who A) buy goods and then regret it later. B) buy goods for more than their own reservation price. C) plan to use private information to the disadvantage of the less well-informed party. D) engage in a number of searches larger than that specified in the contract. 18) If a salesperson is paid by the volume of sales he or she makes, then the A) moral hazard problem is diminished. B) moral hazard problem is enhanced. C) adverse selection problem is enhanced. D) None of the above answers is correct. 19) Paying salespeople a fixed wage contract, one in which income does not depend on the volume of sales, avoids A) both adverse selection and moral hazard. B) neither adverse selection nor moral hazard. C) adverse selection but not moral hazard. D) moral hazard but not adverse selection. 20) The use of incentive payments for salespeople combats A) both adverse selection and moral hazard. B) neither adverse selection nor moral hazard. C) adverse selection but not moral hazard. D) moral hazard but not adverse selection.