

solved. Question
Asked by AgentPartridgePerson145

Assign Groups to discuss and present their findings to the class. Each member of the group should participate. Learners should be creative in teaching their disorder to the class.

Group 1 – Retinal Detachment

Develop a teaching plan for Mr. Rodriguez, a 45-year-old married man with three children; ages 10,15 and 18. Mr. Rodriguez has a history of type II diabetes and hypertension and is a drummer in a popular band. He has just been diagnosed with retinal detachments OS and is scheduled for ocular surgery. What will you emphasize to him and his wife about retinal detachment? Include postop instructions, medications commonly used to treat the condition, side effects, special instructions, clinical manifestations, appropriate nursing care and any other patient teaching information. Identify common themes in the approach to care. Include application of eye drops and infection control techniques. What is the priority patient care focus? What are potential operative complications and what would the patient experience.

Group 2 – Glaucoma

Mrs. Johnson, a widowed 68-year-old African Canadian retired teacher, has just been diagnosed with Angle Closure Glaucoma but believes that a higher power will heal her eyes and return her eyesight to normal. Put together a teaching plan for Mrs. Johnson. What pieces of information will you emphasize to her about Glaucoma? Include the medications commonly used to treat the disorder (eye drops etc.) Include side effects, special instructions, clinical manifestations, and timely dosing. Include application of eye drops and infection control techniques. Remember Mrs. Johnson’s cultural influences and her spiritual beliefs.

Group 3 – Macular Degeneration (Age related)

Mr. Santini is an 86-year-old Italian gentleman who has a history of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Mr. Santini is married and has 8 adult children; all but two of the children live outside of the city. His wife speaks to you about her concern that her husband has macular degeneration. Mrs. Santini has recently attended several computer classes available at the community college in their neighborhood and researched her concerns about her husband’s eyesight on the internet. She read a description of this condition from a website to Mr. Santini but he has refused to believe that anything is wrong with his vision. How will you assess this family member’ understanding of the information about this disorder? What questions will you ask Mrs. Santini to assess Mr. Santini’s development of the disorder? What vision changes would suggest that Mr. Santini has macular degeneration? Describe the different types of macular degeneration. Once the Dx has been confirmed for Mr. Santini include the medication(s) commonly used to treat the disorder.

Group 4 – Conductive Hearing Loss

Mrs. Dickson’s 5 year old son David was diagnosed today with conductive hearing loss. David is the youngest of 5 other children; ages 7, 10, and 13. David has a history of repeated episodes of acute otitis media since age 6 months. Mrs. Dickson states that she has notice that David does not respond to loud noises or to his name when he is called from another room in the house. She has also noticed that David

“likes to put things in his ears”. Mrs. Dickson voices concerns about the condition and treatment for her son. She suddenly becomes very emotional and distraught because she believes that she caused his hearing loss. She states that she had frequently poured warm mineral oil in his ears to “cure him of his ear infections”. She also relays that her husband was just let go from his job and she is not employed outside of the home. How will you assess this family’s understanding of this disorder? Discuss the diagnosis, treatment and resources available. Are there any potential psychosocial implications for both the child and the family?

Group 5 – Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Mr. Washington is an 80 year old Caucasian retired military veteran who has progressively lost hearing in both ears. He states he is no longer able to hear his favorite TV program and that his wife constantly complains because he plays the TV so loud. He also notes that he does not hear the doorbell ring anymore and does not look forward to his weekly card games with old friends because he has trouble hearing and understanding their conversations. Mrs. Washington states her husband gets annoyed with her because she gets tired of repeating herself. How is sensorineural hearing loss diagnosed and what is the treatment? What resources are available that can help with education and support for this family? What is the prognosis and psychosocial implications?

Group 6 – Cataracts

Mrs. Ashbe is having surgery for cataract removal OS. Although her ophthalmologist told her she needed the surgery, she does not understand what a cataract is or what is done during the procedure. She also does not understand how this surgery will improve her vision. In preparation for Mrs. Ashbe’s surgical date, what preoperative patient teaching should you include? After the surgical procedure Mrs. Ashbe will be alone because her daughter is going on vacation for 2 weeks. She is concerned that she will not be able to instill the eye drops by herself. What information can you give her to support her concerns? What patient teaching in needed? Discuss the postoperative period for Mrs. Ashbe and any complications that may occur. She wants to know about bruising, pain and possible swelling after surgery.




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