31) Most inhalation injuries in burn patients are due to which of the following? A) Toxic inhalation B) Radiation burns of the airway C) Thermal burns of the lower airway D) Thermal burns of the upper airway 32) During which phase of a burn injury does extravasation of proteins, water, and electrolytes occur, resulting in edema and potential hypovolemia? A) Emergent B) Hyperemia C) Hypermetabolic D) Fluid shift 33) Your patient is a 23-year-old female who was rescued from a burning house. She was asleep in a back bedroom when the fire started, and there was no smoke alarm. She has a pulse oximetry reading of 99 percent after receiving oxygen by nonrebreathing mask. What is the most appropriate interpretation of this finding? A) Effects of smoke inhalation have been resolved by oxygen administration. B) You cannot rely on this alone to assess oxygenation. C) There was minimal smoke inhalation. D) Carboxyhemoglobin is less than 1 percent. 34) Which of the following body structures is the best electricity conductor? A) Bones B) Nerves C) Muscle D) Skin 35) Which of the following burns would be classified as moderate? A) Superficial < 50 percent BSA B) Full-thickness < 2 percent BSA C) Partial-thickness < 30 percent BSA D) Partial-thickness > 30 percent BSA 36) Patients who survive the first several days of a moderate to critical burn are most likely to die from which of the following complications? A) Hypovolemia B) Organ failure C) Infection D) Hypothermia 37) Flash burns associated with electricity occur because: A) Air is a moderately good conductor of electricity, generating moderate heat B) Air is an excellent conductor of electricity, generating moderate heat C) Air is mildly resistant to the passage of electricity, generating only enough heat to cause superficial burns D) Air is highly resistant to the passage of electricity, generating intense heat 38) You are assessing a 37-year-old woman who was rescued from an apartment fire. She has a harsh, stridorous, “brassy”-sounding cough productive of sooty sputum. Her eyebrows and the hair around her face are singed. Respirations = 28, heart rate = 108, and blood pressure = 124/84. You have a 30-minute transport time. Which of the following is the best intervention for this patient? A) One hundred percent oxygen by nonrebreathing mask B) Sedation and cricothyrotomy C) A nebulized albuterol treatment D) RSI and endotracheal intubation 39) The seriousness of burns in the pediatric population is put into perspective by realizing that burns are the ________ leading cause of death in children under age 12 years. A) First B) Second C) Third D) Fourth 40) Which of the following chemicals must be brushed off the skin, then covered with oil? A) Phenol B) Sodium metal C) Oleoresin capsicum


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