11.In mitigation, the primary concern is determining whether or not: a.the person encountered difficult life circumstances that caused them harm, thus lessening their responsibility for the crime. b.circumstances exist in the individual’s life that lessen their moral culpability for the crime committed. c.the person is mentally ill and should not be held responsible for the crime. d.the person had adequate access to a competent legal defense. 12.What is one required finding in order to impose the death penalty? a.When the defendant’s life is considered in its totality, there are no circumstances that warrant mercy from the court. b. Execution will save the public money versus housing a convicted murderer for many years. c. A firearm was involved in the crime. d. When the defendant’s history is considered, the court finds that the defendant did not encounter severe abuse as a child. 13.Which landmark court decision outlawed the execution of persons with mental retardation? a.Atkins v. Virginia b.Daubert v. Dow c.Ferguson v. California d.Miranda v. Arizona e.Plessy v. Texas 14.A diagnosis of mental retardation requires that a person scores at least _____ standard deviation(s) below the mean on an intelligence test. a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4 15.What is the most effective method to determine the degree and form of functional impairment in the event of central nervous system damage? a.CAT scan b.fMRI c.Neuroimaging studies d.Neuropsychological testing 16.Regarding child custody evaluations, what is the most common of all ethical complaints filed against psychologists with their state licensing boards? a.Breach of confidentiality b.Errors or omissions from the informed consent process c.Misconduct or bias d.Practicing outside the scope of one’s competence 17.Testamentary capacity is: a.the ability to execute a will and bequeath one’s assets. b.the competence to give testimony in court. c.the ability to consent to a psychological evaluation. d.the competence to execute a power of attorney. 18.What position has the National Academy of Neuropsychology taken in regards to third party observers during forensic examinations? a.The presence of TPOs is opposed. b.The presence of TPOs is acceptable in most situations. c.The presence of TPOs is acceptable in all situations. d.It depends on who requested the observer. 19.A reasonable estimate for malingering in brain injury cases in personal injury litigation is: a.10%-35% b.25%-35% c.25%-50% d.50%-75% 20.The __________ must consider certain criteria before allowing an expert to render an opinion to the court. a.judge b.jury c.defense attorney d.prosecuting (or plaintiff’s) attorney