solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by gyamfic54
Please I need help with these answers.
Thank you.
1. When and where did Hinduism begin?
2. What do Hindus like to call their religion, and what does it mean?
3. Why is Hinduism a difficult religion to study?
4. Describe what Hinduism believes about God?
5. How about Hinduism’s belief about God differ from the monotheistic religion?
6. Every religion’s belief is a partial truth and therefore, it has strength and weakness. Describe one strength and one weakness of Hinduism’s belief or image of God.
7. What is the caste system as seen in Hinduism?
8. Why was Mahatma Gandhi critical of the Caste system?
9. State Buddhism’s four noble truths
10. Why do some people call Buddhism a philosophy and not a religion?
11. How does Buddhism answer those people who call it religion a philosophy?
12. If Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was raised and educated as a Hindu, why did he not remain with Hinduism? In other words, why did he begin a new religion?
13. If Buddhism is not atheistic, then why does it not mention God in its Four Nobel Truths?
14. What would Buddhism say today about our society and way of life in America?
15. Keeping in mind Buddha’s teachings, what would Buddha say is needed in our country?
16. Show how the definition of religion and violence indicate a contradiction
17. In this course we stated five factors that can lead to religiously sponsored violence. Name and explain those five factors
18. Who are Nickolas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei, and when do they come in history?
19. What was the controversy between them and catholic church?
20. How was the controversy solved for Galileo?
21. Who is Charles Darwin and what theory did he propose?
22. Define Darwin’s theory
23. Why was his theory controversial for the catholic church?
24. How can Darwin’s theory be accepted by the monotheistic religions?