11.A math test intended to cover the year’s content was administered to a class. The teacher ran out of time the night before and only asked questions from the first semester’s material. What type of threat to validity is present? a.Construct underrepresentation b.Construct-irrelevant variance c.Face validity d.Discriminant validity 12.A statistic called the _____________ is used to describe the amount of prediction error resulting from the imperfect correlation between a test score and a criterion. a.error variance b.observed score variance c.standard error of estimate d.standard error of measurement 13.________ models help the test user determine how much information a predictor test can contribute when making classification decisions. a.Choice-theory b.Classification-theory c.Decision-theory d.Selection-theory 14.The __________ of a measure to a diagnostic condition is the ability of the test at a predetermined cut score to detect the presence of the disorder. a.correlation b.reliability c.sensitivity d.specificity 15.Research has shown that validity coefficients: a.can rarely be generalized across samples. b.can be generalized more than previously thought. c.must be > .90 to have any utility. d.are of little utility in evaluating the validity of score interpretations. 16.Dr. Jones has developed a new test to measure intelligence in children and decides to see how well it correlates with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV). This would be an example of which type of validity evidence? a.Convergent evidence of validity b.Discriminant evidence of validity c.Validity evidence based on response processes d.Validity evidence based on test content 17.Reynolds and Kamphaus (2003) note that ___________ is a statistical approach that allows one to evaluate the presence and structure of any latent constructs existing among a set of variables. a.factor analysis b.linear regression c.multimatrix transformation d.multi-trait regression 18.When deciding how many factors to retain in a factor analysis, a common approach, referred to as the Kaiser-Guttman criteria, is to examine eigenvalues and retain those greater than ______. a.0.3 b.0.5 c.0.8 d.1.0 19.A test developer assembles a group of high school science teachers to evaluate and compare the themes and wording of the items on a science test with the intended objectives. Which category of validity evidence does this best represent? a.Validity evidence based on the consequences of testing b.Validity evidence based on test content c.Validity evidence based on relations to other variables d.Validity evidence based on internal structure e.Validity evidence based on response processes 20.Of the following, which is NOT a threat to validity? a.Coaching b.Examinee characteristics such as high test anxiety c.Appropriateness of reference group d.High reliability coefficients