81) The word somatoform derives from the Greek word meaning ________. A) illness B) body C) fantasy D) exaggerate 82) In ________ disorders, people show or complain of physical symptoms suggestive of physical disorders, but no organic abnormalities can be found to account for them. A) dissociative B) anxiety C) somatoform D) adjustment 83) Many anxiety-related complaints, such as trouble swallowing or breathing, or a “lump in the throat,” can be traced to overactivity of the ________ nervous system. A) somatic B) peripheral C) sympathetic branch of the autonomic D) parasympathetic branch of the autonomic 84) Jomy pretends that he is ill and wants to be hospitalized. He is likely exhibiting ________. A) hypochondriasis B) a conversion disorder C) a somatization disorder D) a factitious disorder 85) Münchausen syndrome is an example of a(n) ________ disorder. A) dissociative B) adjustment C) factitious D) conversion 86) Each of the following is a somatoform disorder EXCEPT ________. A) hypochondriasis B) Münchausen syndrome C) conversion disorder D) somatization disorder 87) Münchausen syndrome refers to ________. A) tellers of “tall tales” B) normal, but short people who believe they suffer from dwarfism C) a sexual disorder involving insatiable sexual needs and demands D) an eating disorder involving chronic, impulsive snacking and binges 88) Franco shows up at an emergency room demanding immediate treatment for bleeding and abdominal cramps. Later, hospital workers find evidence that Franco injected himself with a blood thinner to cause the bleeding and that he faked the cramps just to gain admission to the hospital. Franco denies everything and leaves the hospital to find someone who will “treat him properly!” Franco is most likely suffering from ________. A) somatization disorder B) conversion disorder C) hypochondriasis D) Münchausen syndrome 89) The difference between a factitious disorder and malingering is that ________. A) in malingering, the symptoms are consciously and deliberately faked, whereas in a factitious disorder they are not B) in factitious disorders, the people develop potentially dangerous physical symptoms, whereas in malingering they do not C) in malingering, there is an obvious external incentive for inventing physical symptoms, whereas in a factitious disorder there is not D) malingering is considered a mental disorder, whereas factitious disorders are not 90) ________ may be seen as a form of compulsive behaviour, perhaps even a form of “addiction” to hospitals, in which people crave opportunities to perform the sick role. A) Münchausen syndrome B) Malingering C) Somatization disorder D) Conversion disorder


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