51) The process of connecting separate information systems and data to improve business processes and decision making is known as ________. A) database development B) business intelligence C) systems integration D) application development E) collaboration systems 52) Microsoft’s Exchange/Outlook and Lotus Notes, provide people with e-mail, automated calendaring, and online, threaded discussions, enabling close contact with others, regardless of their location. Identify this type of information system. These are examples of ________. A) collaboration systems B) office automation systems C) data mining and visualization systems D) functional area information systems E) transaction processing systems 53) Which of the following statements is true about today’s service-oriented IS personnel? A) They modify systems at a moment’s notice to meet customer needs quickly and effectively. B) They patiently wait for customers to come in with systems complaints. C) They believe that they own and control the computing resources. D) They give reasons why customers’ ideas cannot or will not work. E) They believe they should tell users what they can and cannot do with the computing resources. 54) Toyota’s automotive electronics systems and FedEx’s Web site were not developed solely because managers in these organizations wanted to do things faster or because they wanted to have the latest, greatest technology. These organizations developed these systems to help gain or sustain competitive advantage. The choices made in developing the systems at both Toyota and FedEx were ________ in their intent. A) operational B) functional C) strategic D) departmental E) tactical 55) Which of the following is used to describe the issues and standards of conduct as they pertain to the use of information systems? A) virtual ethics B) social informatics C) cyber security D) computer etiquette E) computer ethics 56) ________ is concerned with what information an individual should have to reveal to others in the workplace or through other transactions. A) Information accessibility B) Information accuracy C) Information privacy D) Information asymmetry E) Information piracy 57) SlamBook is a social networking site which currently has around 2,000,000 users. The company has always valued its users’ privacy and has taken extensive measures to safeguard it. However, SlamBook has recently faced severe customer backlash regarding privacy issues associated with one of its applications. Which of the following statements would best explain the apparent discrepancy above? A) Recently, the government introduced stringent privacy regulations for Internet firms. B) The application did not have any provisions that restricted minors from using the application. C) MyPlace, SlamBook’s closest competitor, had seen great success with a similar application and an opt-out system. D) Launching opt-out applications instead of opt-in applications is an industry trend. E) The application was an opt-out system, whereby all users were enrolled by default. 58) WorldTravel ( is a travel Web site that provides detailed information about the different places that tourists can visit across the globe. Additionally, it also helps visitors to book tickets and hotels in these destinations. Which of the following, if true, would most assure the customers about their online privacy? A) WorldTravel, when collecting personal information, explicitly states the purpose of the information and that it will not be used for anything else. B) WorldTravel informs its members that it is following the best practices in the industry. C) WorldTravel, when collecting personal information, explicitly tells all its customers that the information collected will be protected by a third party who specializes in this domain. D) WorldTravel decides not to send any spam mails to any of its members. E) WorldTravel, when collecting personal information, explicitly tells all its customers that the information collected is protected under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. 59) Which of the following statements is true about online privacy? A) A vendor cannot track the Web pages you look at. B) A vendor cannot track what products you examine in detail. C) A vendor is not capable of knowing the method of payment you choose to use. D) A vendor is not required by law to respect your privacy. E) A vendor cannot know where you are having the product delivered. 60) Which of the following steps should be taken to ensure ones privacy online? A) Avoid Web sites that are monitored by independent organizations. B) Visit Web sites anonymously. C) Adjust your Web browser settings to save cookies. D) Ensure you receive a confirmation e-mail whenever you buy products online. E) Maintain only one e-mail account and use it when making online purchases.


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