71) Which of the following could act as a p-type semiconductor? A) aluminum with traces of scandium B) beryllium with traces of barium C) germanium with traces of arsenic D) silicon with traces of boron E) tin with traces of lead 72) According to the band theory of bonding, the smallest energy difference between a conduction band and a valence band typically occurs in substances such as: A) crystalline rock salt B) crystalline rubidium C) crystalline silicon D) crystalline iodine E) crystalline arsenic 73) A junction in a photovoltaic (solar) cell is which of the following? A) a thin layer of n-type semiconductor in contact with a p-type semiconductor B) three pieces of semiconductor that form a p-n-p connection C) wires that carry electricity that are attached to the cell D) pure germanium that is attached to a p-type semiconductor E) a thin layer of p-type semiconductor in contact with an n-type semiconductor 74) According to the band theory, why is a material such as diamond an insulator? A) All of the electrons are in the conduction band. B) All of the electrons are tied to nuclei. C) Very few electrons can make the transition over the large energy gap between the valence band and the conduction band. D) The bonds in diamond are too strong to allow atoms to move so no current flows. E) There are no electrons in the valence band. 75) Which of the following is INCORRECT? A) Doping is adding a trace of donor or acceptor atoms to pure semiconductor. B) Aluminum would be a donor atom in silicon. C) Extrinsic semiconductors have the band gap controlled by the impurities added. D) Intrinsic semiconductors have a fixed band gap. E) In a p-type semiconductor, the electrical conductivity is due to positive hole migration. 76) Which of the following is INCORRECT about silicon doped with phosphorus? A) It would form a p-type semiconductor. B) Phosphorus is a donor atom. C) Phosphorus has five valence electrons. D) Each phosphorus is bonded to four neighboring silicon atoms. E) The extra phosphorus electron is promoted to the conduction band. 77) If the wave functions describing the 2s and two of the 2p orbitals are combined, the identical orbitals derived form bond angles of ________. A) 90° B) 120° C) 180° D) 109.5° E) 360° 78) The hybridization of N in NO2- is ________. A) sp B) sp2 C) spd D) sp3 E) dsp 79) What are the ideal bond angles for H2O? A) 120° B) 109.5° C) 90° D) 180° E) 75° 80) The octahedral hybrid configuration is composed of which orbital combination? A) sp3d2 B) sp2d3 C) spd2 D) sp3d E) sp3


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