11.Bobby Seale and Huey Newton began the Black Panthers in their home area of a.Oakland, CA. b.Montgomery, AL. c.Chicago. d.Washington, D.C. 12.All of the following statements about the Black Panthers are true EXCEPT a.they focused entirely on national rather than local goals. b.they began free breakfast programs in northern ghettos. c.stopping police brutality was one of their expressed goals. d.their goals were expressed in the creation of a political program. 13.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the American Indian Movement? a.the organization attempted to protect Indians from police brutality. b.the organization refused to ally itself with other Indian groups. c.it was part of the group that took over Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1973. d.it aimed to increase economic opportunities for Native Americans. 14.The impact of the Tet Offensive was magnified by all of the following facts EXCEPT a.television coverage that appeared to show a Viet Cong victory. b.U.S. officials had predicted that American armies were near victory. c.the permanent loss of Saigon due to the Viet Cong’s surprise offensive. d.the U.S. embassy in Saigon was momentarily taken over by guerrillas. 15.In the wake of the Tet crisis, a.American officials censored all television coverage of the war. b.the Republican Party overwhelmingly opposed the war. c.President Johnson decided to withdraw all American troops from Vietnam. d.advisers told Lyndon Johnson that the war was not winnable in traditional American terms. 16.President Johnson decided not to run for reelection because a.he had become overwhelmed by the war and challenges within his party. b.his health made it impossible for him to run. c.he had been barely elected in the election of 1964. d.he believed that Eugene McCarthy was a better spokesman for domestic reform. 17.In 1968, the Soviet Union militarily suppressed moves toward democracy and liberalization in a.Hungary. b.Poland. c.East Germany. d.Czechoslovakia. 18.Which two men were assassinated within months of each other in 1968? a.Malcolm X and Robert Kennedy b.Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Kennedy c.John Kennedy and Malcolm X d.Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. 19.Hubert Humphrey’s narrow defeat in 1968 was due, in part, to a.his conservative views on race. b.Richard Nixon’s promise to escalate the war in Vietnam. c.the violence that had occurred at the Democratic convention in Chicago. d.the antiwar movement’s support for Richard Nixon’s candidacy. 20.Which third-party candidate earned 46 electoral votes in the election of 1968? a.Eugene McCarthy b.Dick Gregory c.George Wallace d.Eldridge Cleaver Â