11.Leaders of the Social Gospel movement sought to a.establish parochial schools in urban neighborhoods. b.combine religion with laissez-faire philosophies. c.introduce religious ethics to industrial relations. d.back socialist candidates for national office. 12.Proponents of the Social Gospel believed all of the following ideas EXCEPT a.empathizing with the plight of the working poor. b.emphasizing a literal interpretation of the Old Testament. c.advocating a wider tolerance of different religious faiths. d.promoting the role of Christianity in addressing social problems. 13.The main goal of the muckrakers was to a.raise the public’s awareness of social problems. socialistic policies in the U.S. Congress. c.ruin the reputations of presidential candidates. d.end the legality of alcohol consumption. 14.Which work of literature was NOT authored by a muckraker? a.The Jungle b.Christianity and the Social Crisis c.The Shame of the Cities d.The Octopus 15.Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle focused on the problems of a.textile factories. b.sweatshops. c.child labor. d.meatpacking plants. 16.Theodore Roosevelt’s reform philosophy was closest to that of a.muckraking journalists. b.the Gospel of Efficiency. c.the Knights of Labor. d.the Social Gospel Movement. 17.The use of sweatshops was most common in a.coal mining. factories in the West. c.Andrew Carnegie’s steel plants. d.the garment industry. 18.Frederick Taylor’s scientific management emphasized all of the following ideas EXCEPT a.assigning simple, repetitive tasks to workers. b.speeding up the production process. c.increasing the mechanization of factories. d.providing more autonomy for the factory laborer. 19.The American Federation of Labor a.represented many females working in the clothing industry. b.worked hard to unionize people of all ethnic backgrounds. c.primarily represented skilled workers. d.was eventually supplanted by the IWW. 20.The International Workers of the World differed from the AFL by a.organizing all types of workers from a wide variety of ethnic groups. b.refusing to support strikes as a method of protest. c.rejecting the sit-down strike as an effective labor tactic. d.only organizing skilled laborers in their union.


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