solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by breannax3
Office Note
This 35-year-old female patient is being seen today because she has been experiencing abdominal pain for the last month. She is concerned because her mother died of stomach cancer when she was 40 years old.
Vitals: B/P 120/75
Weight: 165 pounds.
The patient reports no weight loss.
HEENT: Normal
Heart: Normal rate and rhythm
Lungs: Clear, no rales.
Abdomen: No masses, no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly noted. Bowel sounds normal.
Breast: Symmetrical, no masses noted.
Plan: Orders as written for diagnostic testing.
The patient should follow up with me following test results.
What are the two ICD-10-CM codes you would assign to this case?