1) Most generally, a theoretical statement is one that attempts to explain how certain facts or events are a. understood. b. related. c. caused. d. predictable. 2) Which of the following statements does not explain why sociologists use theories? a. Theories are used to help direct and inform research. b. Theories are used to inspire discussion and debate about the workings of the world. c. Theories are used to provide explanations about why things happen as they do. d. Theories are used to decide what is right and wrong in order provide a better social world. 3) _______ is well known for his analysis of how humans existed in their natural state, before the emergence of formal social structures. a. Thomas Hobbes b. Karl Marx c. John Locke d. Charles de Montesquieu 4) Hobbes was one of the first social theorists to view people as __________ the society they create. a. determined by b. products of c. responsible for d. existing in tension with 5) Tabula rasa refers to the idea that people a. are born with specific knowledge. b. are born with a blank slate. c. have knowledge independent of experience. d. are born with a full slate of knowledge. 6) The idea that people were born tabula rasa was purported by a. Thomas Hobbes b. Karl Marx c. John Locke d. Charles de Montesquieu 7) Whereas Hobbes viewed the emergence of the state in terms of the protection of individuals from each other, Locke viewed the state’s emergence in relation to the a. need for a social safety net. b. defensibility of borders. c. formalization of consensus. d. preservation of private property. 8) ___________ suggested that people have never existed outside, or without, society; humans are defined and created by society. a. Thomas Hobbes b. Karl Marx c. John Locke d. Charles de Montesquieu 9) Which of the following is not associated with the work of Charles de Montesquieu? a. challenged views before him that people never existed outside society b. suggested that humans were defined and created by society c. there was an original natural state d. wrote The Persian Letters 10) According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a. the natural state was an awful existence where people fought against each other. b. there was no need to understand the basic nature of the human condition. c. people existed in a symbiotic and idyllic relationship based on equality. d. human beings are not perfectible. 1