1)Style guidelines used by most psychological journals A)are almost all focused on research ethics. B)are presented in the APA Publication Manual. C)vary enormously from one journal to another. D)must be selected by the researcher to present the information most effectively. 2)In published research articles, levels of headings A)organize the article. B)are the same as levels of constraint. C)are used only in the results section. D)define the statistical significance level. 3)The proper location for a table in an article written in APA style is A)in the text on the page after it is introduced to the reader. B)in the third appendix, which is labeled “List of Tables.” C)after the reference section of the paper and before any figures. D)right after the results section of the paper. 4)Which of the following is an example of a well-worded title? A)A report of agoraphobics. B)The study of anxious patients. C)The psychological effects of test anxiety in college students. D)Test anxiety. 5)The title of a research report should A)be as short as possible. B)be concise while still describing the focus of the study. C)include the author’s name. D)be consistent with the title of the journal. A)a brief summary of the research paper. B)the rationale for a research paper. C)a summary of the references. D)a conceptual model for a research paper. 7)The proper location for the abstract in an APA style research article is A)right after the reference section as an appendix. B)at the beginning of the paper before anything else. C)on a separate page just before the introduction to the article. D)just before the methods section. 8)The description of the procedures for selection and assignment of participants should be included in the  A)introduction of the paper. B)method section of the paper. C)reference section of the paper. D)first appendix of the paper, which is labeled “Participant Selection Criteria.” 9)The purpose of the method section of a research article is to A)give a summary of the research findings. B)describe the pattern of scores on the dependent measure. C)describe how the research was carried out. D)specifically state the research hypotheses. 10)The methods section includes a description of all of the following EXCEPT A)the participants and how they were selected. B)the apparatus, equipment, and materials used. C)the procedures used. D


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