5-11) Joshua is participating in an experiment where, in one condition, he is placed inside of a black room where he is asked to complete a set of math problems and, in a second condition, he is placed in a white room and asked to complete a similar set of math problems. Most likely, why is the experimenter using such extreme conditions for his independent variable? a. To maximize the effects of the independent variable b. To minimize the effects of the independent variable c. To maximize the effects of the dependent variable d. to minimize the effects of the dependent variable 5-12) Dr. Calhoun is conducting some research on the effects of alcohol consumption on maze learning in a sample of white laboratory rats. Before he actually conducts the study, Dr. Calhoun administers to the rats various dosages of alcohol to determine what amount produces the strongest and weakest effects. This process is referred to as a a. dependent variable. b. correlation coefficient. c. placebo. d. manipulation check. 5-13) There are two types of unwanted sources of variance: systematic variance from extraneous variables; and a. systematic variance from the independent variable. b. nonsystematic error variance. c. systematic variance from the dependent variable. d. nonsystematic explained variance. 5-14) If some factor other than the independent variable influences the data from one condition more than in the other, we say that the factor is __________ and is influencing the data in a __________ fashion. a. extraneous; systematic b. purposeful; nonsystematic c. extraneous; nonsystematic d. purposeful; systematic 5-15) The greater the __________ in a study, the more confidence the researcher has in concluding that the independent variable caused the change in the dependent variable. a. extraneous variability b. external validity c. nonsystematic variability d. internal validity 5-16) Professor Turing is designing a study where she will be comparing the handwriting of undergraduate students under two different manipulations. In one condition, the students will write after consuming 1 cup of strong coffee, and in the second condition, students will write after consuming 3 cups of strong coffee. She takes a number of student volunteers from her research methods class and randomly assigns them to one of the two different conditions. Unfortunately, in the 3-cup condition, 4 students decide to drop out of the study at the last minute, so Professor Turing asks four additional sociology students to serve as replacements. What is a valid criticism of Professor Turing’s study? a. These kinds of studies should only be conducted with non-human animals since the     manipulation involves the consumption of a chemical substance. b. This design is now based on nonequivalent groups. c. This type of study will not produce any sort of a cure or benefit for human beings,     hence money should not be spent on such research. d. Since handwriting is so individualized, it is not worth pursuing attempts to analyze it. 5-17) In psychological investigations, most of the “error variance” in a study typically comes from a. imprecise measurements made by the experimenter. b. systematic, explained variance from the independent variable. c. individual differences among the subjects. d. computer errors that occur in the data analysis. 5-18) Jeremy has volunteered to participate in a psychological investigation as part of his general psychology course. On the morning of the study, Jeremy receives a phone call where he is informed that he has won a large sum of money as part of a local radio station’s advertising campaign. Jeremy’s extremely elevated mood as he participates in the study is a good example of a. why researchers should use only non-human animals as research subjects. b. a transient internal and external state. c. why psychological research conducted with human participants is unethical. d. causation between an independent and a dependent variable. 5-19) Suppose that a group of six different researchers were recording the amount of time it takes for a particular rat to run down a six-foot long alley way. Using stopwatches, they determine that all of the researchers end up with slightly different measures of time, even though they were all simultaneously observing the exact same rat. In research design, what source of variance would account for these differences in recorded times? a. Measurement error b. External validity c. Manipulation check d. Invasive variables 5-20) A researcher who conducts a study that involves __________ is in a better position to infer cause-effect relationships among the variables being studied. a. a great deal of nonsystematic variance b. low reliability c. high internal validity d. large degrees of unexplained variance


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