16) Which of the following was the result on appeal in Crown Awards, Inc., v. Discount Trophy & Communication, Inc., the case in the text involving whether the defendant violated the plaintiff’s copyright on a type of trophy? A) That the defendant was entitled to a judgment in its favor because the defendant’s product was not identical to the plaintiff’s product. B) That the trial court correctly found that proof of actual access to the infringed product was required, that actual access was established, and that the defendant’s product was an exact copy of the plaintiff’s product, thereby entitling the plaintiff to a judgment in its favor. C) That the facts established a reasonable possibility that the manufacturer had access to the plaintiff’s work and that considering the similarities between the works, the plaintiff was entitled to prevail. D) That the trial court erred in refusing to require proof that the defendant had actual access to the trophy design at issue. E) That the trial court correctly found that the defendant had access to the product but that copying was allowed because the plaintiff had not properly protected its work. 17) Aleem properly filed for a patent on a new machine with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Erin, who had been working on the same type of machine was furious when she learned about Aleem’s filing. She presented proof that she had actually invented the machine first but had not yet prepared the paperwork for filing at the time of Aleem’s filing. Assuming no wrongdoing on the part of either party and that they developed the machine independently, which of the following is the correct resolution of the dispute? A) Under the America Invents Act, Erin will control rights to the patent because she was the first to invent. B) Aleem will win and possess all rights to the patent under common law because he was the first to file for a patent. C) Under common law, Erin and Aleem will share rights to the patent on a 50-50 basis. D) Erin will win and possess all rights to the patent under common law because she first invented the machine. E) Under the America Invents Act, Aleem will control rights to the patent because he was the first to file. 18) What was the finding of the jury at the trial court level in the Case Opener involving Apple’s claim that Samsung copied Apple’s design of the iPhone and iPad and Samsung’s claim that Apple infringed Samsung’s patents? A) That Apple infringed Samsung’s patents but that Samsung did not infringe Apple’s patents. B) That Samsung infringed Apple’s patents but that Apple did not infringe Samsung’s patents. C) That Apple infringed Samsung’s patents, that Samsung infringed Apple’s patents, and that damages would be awarded to both parties. D) That Samsung did not infringe Apple’s patents and that Apple did not infringe Samsung’s patents. E) That Samsung infringed Apple’s patents, that Apple infringed Samsung’s patents, but that no damages would be awarded to either party because they were both guilty of misconduct. 19) Which of the following was the result in the case in the text in which the record industry sued Napster, a peer-to-peer file-sharing network, to stop the exchange of digital music files? A) Napster could continue its file sharing network because users were transferring the format of the files, which was a fair use. B) Although the court found that it was a fair use, Napster was ordered to cease its network because of the harm to the record industry. C) Napster could continue its file sharing network because it was a fair use. D) Because the user was sharing files with others users, it was not a fair use. E) Since there was no actual harm in the exchange of digital music files, Napster could continue its file sharing network. 20) Which of the following was the result at the U.S. Supreme Court level in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., v. Grokster, Ltd., the case in the text in which the Court addressed the legality of the defendants allowing digital music files to be shared directly between users without going through a centralized server? A) There was no evidence that the defendants profited from the site allowing file sharing and, therefore, the district court properly dismissed the lawsuit. B) The district court improperly dismissed the suit because a distributor who promotes infringement and takes steps to foster infringement is liable for infringement by third parties. C) The defendants had no responsibility to develop filtering tools or other mechanisms to diminish infringing activity and the district court properly dismissed the lawsuit. D) The defendants’ peer-to-peer file sharing service was struck down by the Supreme Court. E) The district court properly dismissed the suit because the system at issue had both legal and illegal uses. Â Â


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