31.Troubling aspects of the Watergate scandal included all of the following EXCEPT a.the revelation that the White House had compiled an “enemies list” of dissenters. b.lies told by the Nixon administration regarding their involvement. c.John Dean’s refusal to tell the truth at Senate hearings. d.funds accepted from honest Americans were being used to finance illegal activities. 32.The plumbers were a.a violent wing of the Students for a Democratic Society. b.members of the Nixon administration who engaged in illegal activities. c.a political-action group that lobbied for environmental reform. d.a group of working-class hippies. 33.The Pentagon Papers detailed American military involvement in a.the support of various right-wing dictators in Latin America. b.Vietnam. c.Korea. d.the Dominican Republic in 1965. 34.Tapes of White House meetings revealed that President Nixon a.was actually opposed to the Vietnam War. b.did not want to run for reelection. c.had lied about his innocence in the Watergate cover-up. d.had no knowledge of the “enemies list.” 35.The Watergate crisis revealed all of the following EXCEPT a.Richard Nixon was driven by an overwhelming urge for power. b.many members of the administration had broken the law. c.special prosecutors can function independently of the White House. d.the separation of powers could no longer rein in a power-hungry president. 36.In the 1976 presidential election, Gerald Ford won the entire a.South. b.Northeast. c.Midwest. d.West. 37.Jimmy Carter’s presidency was troubled by all of the following EXCEPT a.the taking of American hostages in Iran. b.high inflation rates. c.labor’s mistrust of a Southerner. d.a lack of idealism and vision. 38.In the Camp David Agreement, President Carter presided over international forum on energy consumption. b.talks that led to the United States and USSR cutting defense spending. c.a treaty that normalized relations between Egypt and Israel. d.a meeting that addressed the nation’s continuing inflation problems. 39.SALT II was technically killed when the Soviet Union invaded __________ in 1979. a.Afghanistan b.Iran c.Hungary d.Czechoslovakia 40.The roots of the Iranian hostage crisis resided in a.Jimmy Carter’s emphasis on human rights. b.the Shah of Iran’s despotic regime. c.economic inflation in the United States.


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