51)In a randomized 2 × 2 factorial design, we test for main effects by A)comparing mean scores for the matrix of cells. B)comparing mean scores of the various levels of each factor. C)comparing the raw scores of each participant. D)finding the mean scores for the entire sample. 52)In a 2 × 2 factorial design represented on a graph, a main effect for factor B is indicated (the x-axis labeled with the levels of factor A) but no interaction is present. The graphed lines should be A)perpendicular. B)parallel. C)vertical. D)intersecting. 53)In graphing the results of a 2 × 2 factorial, we can conclude that, if the two lines are parallel, then there is A)an interaction between factor A and factor B. B)no interaction between factor A and factor B. C)a main effect for both factor A and factor B. D)is no main effect for either of the factors. 54)If two lines intersect on a graph of a 2 × 2 factorial, we can conclude that A)there must be a main effect for one of the factors. B)there is probably no interaction. C)there is probably an interaction between A and B. D)there is probably a main effect for both A and B. 55)In cases in which there is both a main effect and an interaction, it is important to A)conduct further statistical tests. B)be highly suspicious of the main effect. C)interpret the main effect first. D)interpret the interaction first. 56)The appropriate statistical test for factorial designs is A)an analysis of variance. B)an analysis of covariance. C)an analysis of bivariance. D)an analysis of correlation. 57)What type of statistical test is usually used to test null hypotheses in factorial designs? A)A correlated t-test. B)A simple t-test. C)An analysis of variance. D)A chi-square test. 58)What does an A X B interaction mean in a two-way ANOVA? A)There must be significant main effects for Factors A and B. B)The main effects for Factors A and B must be short of significance. C)The effect of A was different depending on the level of B. D)If there are significant main effects, they must be interpreted first, before interpreting the interaction. 59)What is the appropriate statistical test for a factorial design? A)The Modes test. B)ANOVA. C)t-test. D)Chi-square. 60)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the textbook as a computer-analysis package containing ANOVA programs? A)Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). B)Biomedical Programs (BMDP). C)Transactional Analysis Programs (TAP). D)