11.The overlap among the distributions of intelligence test scores for different ethnic groups is _____________ the size of the differences between the various groups. a.approximately equal to b.much greater than c.much less than 12.Which explanation for mean group differences is dominant among professionals who reject the cultural test bias? a.The differences primarily have a genetic basis. b.The differences have an environmental basis. c.The differences are due to the interactive effect of genes and environment.   X d.The differences are due to the artifacts of test bias. 13.Brown, Reynolds, and Whitaker (1999) define _____________ as a moral, philosophical, or legal issue on which reasonable people can disagree. a.bias b.equality c.equitable d.fairness 14.__________ is a property empirically estimated from test data whereas _________ is a principle established through debate and opinion. a.Bias; fairness b.Bias; prejudice c.Fairness; bias d.Equality; bias 15.The hypothesis of _________ holds that a test measures constructs more accurately for the groups on which the tests are mainly based than for other groups. a.homogeneous reliability b.homogeneous validity c.differential reliability d.differential validity 16.One of the most frequently stated problems raised by Black and other minority psychologists regarding the use of psychological and educational tests with minorities is: a.homogeneous reliability. b.homogeneous validity. c.inappropriate content. d.regression to the mean. 17.___________ refers to the degree of cultural specificity present in the test or individual items of the test. a.Cultural bias b.Cultural loading c.Cultural partiality d.Cultural preference 18.It is rare for biased items to account for more than _____ of the variance in performance. a.5% b.10% c.15% d.20% e.25% 19.What is the most recommended method today for detecting biased item? a.Application of methods based on of Item Response Theory b.Careful review of the test by a panel comprised of minority examiners c.Examining evidence based on consequential validity d.Examining an item-by-item correlation matrix 20.Which method to detect potentially biased items did Reynolds and Kamphaus (2003) apply in their development of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales? a.Cronbach’s beta b.mean regression analysis c.cluster analysis d.partial correlation method