C.Select the answer that best completes each sentence. _____ 1.Portfolios are an excellent way to document learning because a.teachers get to hear all about the child’s family b.parents get to snoop on what teachers are doing c.children can be empowered to take charge of their learning d.administrators can see what the teachers are doing in the classrooms _____ 2.Parents like to be part of the assessment process so that they can a.tell teachers what they should be teaching b.tell children what they should be learning c.collaborate with administrators regarding the curriculum d.contribute to the child’s learning _____ 3.A common criticism of portfolio assessment is that the criteria for assessment a.seem unclear b.seem too rigid c.are only normative d.are only summative _____ 4.Portfolio assessment is a form of authentic assessment because it measures performance a.with authentic tests b.naturalistically c.with standardized assessments d.using educational psychologists _____ 5.Contextual information supports portfolio assessment for the following reason a.portfolios consider achievements in a personal and cultural manner b.portfolios document knowledge of letter sounds c.portfolios are more interesting if they describe the child’s family d.portfolios are put in alphabetical order _____ 6.Portfolios are most likely to be used in child-care centres and schools where a.the program is designed for individual children b.the program is designed according to a set curriculum c.the program is delivered formally d.the program limits choices for each child _____ 7.If you were to change a program’s assessment process to the portfolio approach, what is the most significant hurdle that you would likely need to overcome? a.finding a place to keep portfolios and obtaining necessary materials b.changing attitudes and providing professional development for staff c.getting children involved in putting their work into a portfolio d.financing the change _____ 8.What is the most important part of the portfolio for assessment purposes? a.contextual information information c.observations samples _____ 9.Analyzing a portfolio should involve a.summarizing the information and preparing a curriculum plan b.making inferences about behaviour and creating an individual program plan c.summarizing the information and making inferences about behavior d.making an individual program plan and a class curriculum plan _____ 10.Inferences about development should always be a.supported by a second person b.argued c.validated d.


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