21) The mortality rate for sufferers of anorexia is about ________ % over an eight-year period. A) under 1 B) 5–8 C) 15–18 D) 25–28 22) The MOST common reason for the deaths among sufferers of anorexia is ________. A) cancer B) lung disorders C) direct complications from severe weight loss D) unknown, unspecified causes 23) Leticia suffers from recurrent episodes of gorging on large quantities of food followed by purging through self-induced vomiting in order to prevent herself from gaining weight. Although her weight is normal, and her ideal weight is relatively normal, she worries excessively about looking or becoming fat. She is suffering from ________. A) amenorrhea B) anorexia nervosa C) bulimia nervosa D) cytomegalovirus 24) In the case of bulimia, two or more strategies may be used for purging, such as vomiting and the use of ________. A) amenorrhea B) excessive exercise C) laxatives D) extreme diets 25) Disturbed menstrual function is found in as many as _____ % of normal-weight women with bulimia. A) 10 B) 25 C) 50 D) 75 26) The word bulimia derives from the Greek roots meaning __________. A) cow and hunger B) bull and cud C) bull and nourishment D) cow and appetite 27) A main difference between anorexia and bulimia is that bulimic individuals ___________. A) don’t have an over-concern with body shape B) have less ideal body weights C) pursue increased thinness D) do not pursue the extreme thinness 28) The medical complications of bulimia mainly stem from the effects of __________. A) vitamin deficiency B) vomiting C) dehydration D) choking 29) The average age of onset for bulimia is the ________. A) preteens B) early teens C) late teens D) early twenties 30) Which of the following is NOT one of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa? A) recurrent episodes of binge eating B) regular purging by means of laxatives, fasting, self-induced vomiting, or strenuous exercise C) in females, the absence of three or more consecutive menstrual periods D) persistent overconcern with the shape and weight of one’s body


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