solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by CountWombat530
This is your case study from your College of Nurses in Ontario(2019) document.
Morry is having increasingly difficulty swallowing. Meira, his nurse, has suggested a pureed diet. Morry tries it and finds it intolerable. He decides that he would rather risk choking on more solid food than having to eat what he considers “baby food.” He requires assistance with feeding himself. Meira wants to support Morry in his choice of eating solids, but is concerned that she will cause harm by feeding him solids.
After reading this case study how do you feel personally and professionally?
How do you feel? (eg. fear, anger, sadness, concerned about the client’s safety)
What are your personal feelings/values about this situation. (safety, respect of the rights of yourself and others, or beneficience, non-malificience, justice, and autonomy)
What do you think are your client’s personal feelings/values about this situation.Â
Use the CNO ethical values below for this case study.
What CNO ethical values should be considered here in your assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation.
Client Well-being
Client Choice
Privacy and Confidentiality
Respect for Life
Maintaining commitment to clients, oneself, nursing colleagues, nursing profession, team members, quality practice settings
Assessment/Description of Situation
What information do you have?
What does the College of Nurses say (review the Ethic’s Document, Professional Standards, Entry-to-Practice Competencies to help you think of options).
What other resources would you turn to from the College of Nurses of Ontario to direct you?
Option 1 -Â
Option 2 -Â
What is your plan?
What has to be done?
What is your rationale why?
Here you will implement the plan – what are you doing?
What was the result?
What was the outcome?
BI 206